Four o'clock, and all is well....
I love my 4 o'clocks. These are fantastic plants, and what's even better, is that Mr K and I grew these from seed. It's really cool to grow a bush (and they are a low bush) from seed. These are about a foot high and a foot wide, and so many little flowers on them. They do, however, not tell time that well. They;ve been open at 6 am, middle of the day, and late evening when they are supposed to.
I *think* they just open when its cooler. So tomorrow, which should be 28, they won't open till very late. We will grow these again next year for sure.
So the pink...what's really cool is when they were teeny tiny seedlings, their stems were pink, so I was able to plant them staggered instead of pink all over. The yellow ones...
And there are white ones but they just won't photograph worth a hoot.
Ok, you've all seen these and assumed they are a beautiful buterfly when they grow up. NOT!
Spotted Tussock Moth (Lophocampa maculata)

I have a fear of moths, they creep me out. If you've watched Melissa run from wasps, then you might have an idea, but I scream. I was typing this as Mike thought he was really freaking funny and scared me. He'll regain consciousness in a few minutes...
So they are all over, we counted 7 of them! And K was so I need to go drown them. Eeew. They like the dogwood bushes, they are concentrated to think if they were butterflies I was happy to let them eat the leaves to give K a science lesson. but MOTHS! Creepy, nasty, fluttering night-dwellers....
I'll have to think on this for a while.....wonder if he will remember tomorrow...sigh..who am I kidding, he'll remember....