Saturday, October 06, 2007

Library Additions

Ah, my addiction, the Goodwill. I had far too much success again today with books, I actually had to stop myself from searching anymore.

I bought"

A Recipe For Bees - Gail Anderson-Dargatz
The Cure for Death by Lightning - Gail Anderson-Dargatz
Snow Falling on Cedars - David Guterson
While I Was Gone - Sue Miller
The Reader - Bernhard Schlink


Grading the Teacher - A Canadian Parents Guide - Nellie Jacobs
Siblings Without Rivalry - Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish

When I got home I opened my hardcover of The Cure for Death by Lightening and found its signed by the author, to Tricia LOL! Cool, I will have to keep that one since its signed.

Mom and Dad are up for Thanksgiving so its busier than heck around this household.

This Friday's Therapy

Laugh all you want, but this week I found my wine between the covers of Consumer's Report. Do they do ANYTHING wrong? Man, they are even bang on with their wine reviews. This was rated very good, and it sure is.
From the Yellowtail Site:

Silky smooth and easy on the palate. This wine is a great “slurper” with juicy, ripe fruit flavors, complemented by aromas of dark plums and a touch of mint and soft vanillin oak.
Slurper is right, I had to remember to stop at two glasses. A sweet wine that Mike loves too because its not dry at all. Mmmm.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

More Babies

I can't help it, they are so cute. Must post more pics.
Violet...this one is trouble I tell you. Ready to party while Ruby sleeps.

See? Still awake.I finally got a pic of them together today...adorable.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Congrats to Kandice and Dan!

I am still in Calgary, but am posting pictures for everyone to see of Dan and Kandice's beautiful blessings, born on Tuesday morning.

Here is Ruby....

and Violet....

And proud mama and papa!

Dad checking up on Violet in the NICU..but she was out of there last night and with mom.

Mom visiting Violet...
Auntie holding Violet this morning
Auntie with Ruby.

I swear Violet is smiling in this picture....sure looks like it to me. She knows that Auntie rocks. I will post more later...and will take more tomorrow when I go visit and get another fix of baby toes.