Sunday, August 24, 2008

Veggies..Or The Lack Thereof

I feel like crap so I sent Mike out to take some pics of veggies and this is what I got. Not that the rest are sooo spectacular, its been a season of major disasters, my cauliflower and broccoli both went to crap and flowered in the heatwave, so I have none of those. I think one of my tomato plants has mushy tomatoes (what the hell??) , my corn is stunted, I have one squash that managed to not instantly rot, my brussel sprouts are short, and my celery as well.

So my one tomato plant that did ok. ONE. I'll check the other one tomorrow but they just look wrong somehow. I am a wee bit bitter that last year, I threw a plant into the flowerbed that my neighbor gave me, the thing grew 5 feet tall, with dozens of tomatos on it (had to ripen most of them inside in the fall but they were still there!) and now this year I TRY to grow them, and I get this.

And the squash that we are all having fun watching LOL. As bitter as I sound, at least we have one to watch grow and try out. The kids are really enjoying checking on it, we may as well name the silly thing at this point, they are fascinated with it. It is a winter squash, which means I have to leave it for the skin to harden in the fall, then bring it in. Vegetable Marrow Squash = All That Rona Had Left...we shall see what it tastes like.

I do believe tho, I have learned my lesson from my edible garden tour, and next year I am only going to treat the very top portion of the soil, I will be buying bags of rich material and putting it on the top and maybe 2 inches into the soil, and thats IT. I think I mixed it in too much and it wasn't on the top where the veggies needed it.

Even my red runners aren't as prolific this year, but are still flowering and I am getting beans at last, my ol' reliables.