Wow, I spent the entire day Saturday baking, and I was still baking (in theory, I DID cook the fingerpaint lol) that night. But it was the whole damn day, either something was cooling, or setting or in the oven.....crazy!
I attempted 3 new recipes, Mint Chocolate Covered Ritz, Chocolate truffles and Chocolate Oreo Fudge, all from my Kraft magazine. And for us at least, they all score a 5/5, and I would make them all again. That's a miracle around here.
Mike keeps trying the Ritz and saying " I just expect that the NEXT time, they are going to be gross, because mint chocolate covered Ritz are SO WRONG!" (insert lip-smacking and crunching noises here). " I don't understand why they taste so good!" Yah, about 15 later, he still hasn't found that "wrong" one. They are so incredibly tasty tho, hard to believe its Ritz crackers. Also an incredible pain in the ass to make, one at a time, dipped in chocolate. Speaking of pain in the ass, the recipe for the truffles fools you into thinking they are easy because they are two ingredients. NOT! After spending an hour and a half rolling them, then dipping them in chocolate, I disagree. But oh, they are fantastic tasting and will be a Christmas staple in the house from now on.
Some of the treats....this one is all purtied up for Mike's boss, from left : chocolate truffles, Mint Chocolate covered Ritz (I know, but they are fantastic!trust me! They are good enough to send to the big boss!) and shortbread. Under the truffles is a layer of chocolate Oreo fudge. Drooling yet?
The another tin for one of my friends...
And this picture is cute, Mr K took it, and its so funny, cause its HIS view of the island....makes me laugh because this is exactly what he is seeing when he looks up there, my little short stuff. See that Halloween muffin wrapper on the left peeking out from behind the sprinkles? Everyone's truffles are in them this year, so have a good laugh at it! I bought them and forgot to use them for cupcakes, and voila! I needed something to put my truffles in! I was too lazy to go to the store for Christmas ones.

Because we are going for dinner tomorrow night for Melissa's birthday, I wanted to get everyone baking and kid's presents wrapped and ready to deliver while almost everyone is there. Nothing like leaving it for the last minute, but really, I hate stale baking and do it fresh every year. I never freeze my Christmas baking, its always done right the day before. ( I am insane.) I hate frozen stuff, I am weird, I can taste the difference. That said tho, the baking I took on this year have to be frozen because they won't last long, and so far the fudge and truffles taste great frozen! Not that I am eating it out of my freezer, nuh-uh, not me. I wouldn't be eating truffles like they are chocolate ice cream bites...
I hope everyone had a more restful weekend than I did, cause I am ready to freaking DROP. I am so excited to go out for dinner tomorrow night with everyone, I can't wait.