....does and doesn't want to be on my blogroll on the new site? Blackbird is anonymous and Twinkle pix is a business, so I moved them, but the rest of you may just want me to move your links to my kids blog (I have to have them listed somewhere cause I remember nothing and I read them at work)
anyhoo let me know where you wanna go!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Shuttin' It Down....
Well, I am going to leave this blog up, for my reference, but I am not going to be posting anymore. But before you ask if I have lost my mind, its because my wonderful husband has created an absolutely beautiful site for me to blog on, not only personal but now I can blog in categories that I like to share things about (crafts, books, food, etc).
Sooooo everyone can now read my blog at thesupermom.com (and seriously I can't believe that that name wasn't taken by a website already, its SO much fun!!!) and feel free to comment as per usual on my posts. I am absolutely in love with what he made me and have another site I want him to make soon too.
There are lots of things that I will be moving over from here, and maybe nuking this one completely if I can get all my old posts over to the new one, there are still things to add on the new site as well. I just don't have time to keep up with two and the kids blog now as well.
See you all over there!!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:58 PM 4 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I had to harass stupid Chapters why my gawddamn Polo books weren't shipped on the 12th, and I get a bullshit email that their vendor didn't have the supply ready, and they will have the books in 2-4 business days. Which would make it a WEEK past the pre-order date for shipping it out to me. So I replied telling them they had better ship it priority at THEIR expense, because the bloody point of a pre-order is that I get my EFFING books when they are released!
F! #@$%&^%$#@
I need some chocolate.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:39 AM 1 comments
This has to be the coldest, latest spring EVER. Its snowing today, freezing, the furnace is turned on dammit, and my gardening course is postponed until Monday the 25th. The day before I LEAVE on my trip. Mother EFF I am frustrated. I am not sure how I am going to get my garden in on, oh, the Tuesday morning, we are leaving Tuesday right after school to go to Calgary.
Look at this crappy weather coming next week, I can't even get my plants out because the nights are possibly going into the minus temps again with more snow.
- 9°C
- 13°C
- 1°C
- 18°C
- 2°C
- 16°C
- 5°C
- 40%
- 5°C
- -2°C
- 60%
- 8°C
- 3°C
- 60%
- 13°C
- 2°C
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Mini-Me...
..reading until there is no more sun in the room to read by tonight.. I used to do this as a kid allll the time. I just don't think it was quite this early on, and definitely was not falling asleep on my books.
Aw my sweet little boy :) He reads every night until he falls asleep, such an incredibly voracious little reader. He's a grump in the mornings tho, not quite sure what we are going to do about that. I am thinking its time for some dim-out/blackout material in the windows!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cross Your Fingers.....
...that the two new Polo books I pre-ordered ship tomorrow, and are here in time for our trip! That gives me a good hour of entertainment in the car for the kids. I also ordered a couple new Robert Munsch books too.....waiting anxiously for them to arrive!
I was also glad to see there are two more coming out in the fall, Polo and the Dragon, and Polo and the Magician! Can't wait!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:57 PM 1 comments
A couple goodies from Mother's Day...
..homemade window cling, which is something we are going to do this summer as a craft (have to start storing up my ideas for two months of crafts at home). Mr K did such a great job, and it looks so lovely on my window...and a book from Mike and the Princess, and a bookmark that Mr K made for me as well. I got a folder full of coupons, crafts, notes, and a poem, all very lovely.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: crafts
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there!
Let's see...Charlynn likes my thankful posts, so I will do another one today for all us moms...
I am thankful this day that my children are healthy. Working at the childrens' hospital often reminds you that not everyone is so lucky.
On that note, I am grateful to be humbled by my job sometimes with the reminder that my complaints are so incredibly minor.
I am grateful to be given the chance to raise these two amazing kids with two distinctly amusing and wonderous personalities.
I am grateful for my friends, my family and the intricate web of personalities I know...I know some truly great people...and not so great..lol. I am glad that I have been challenged to think outside the box, that the selfish have shown me how not to act, that the patient people have helped me learn my own, and to be blunt, that some people have just shown me how I do not want to parent, and on the other side of the coin, how I don't want to treat my friends. That in itself is a valuable lesson, negative as it may seem.
I am thankful that spring is here.
I tear up with joy looking at the crafts made by beautiful little chubby fingers, working so hard to make their mommy something special for Mother's Day. I only get a limited amount of those, there's an age expiry limit...I will treasure them while I can.
I am thankful and very excited to take my garden course with one of those aforementioned good :) friends this Thursday evening!
I am happy that Mike surprised me at work for my supper break with two kids and a box of my favorite sugar free Fudgsicles. Gawd dang, sometimes he gets it right!
And all days, I am just glad I have a heartbeat ;)
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:40 PM 0 comments