Friday, March 23, 2007

Super Mom

I was telling Amanda this afternoon how I think The Princess was getting the flu because she "smelled" like the flu. She totally knew what I was talking about. I think this is a Mom superpower thing, I honestly do. There's this certain smell to your child when they have the flu coming on, their body chemisty must change, and as an animal, most days LOL, us moms actually smell this chemical change and just KNOW the flu is coming.

And the flu came. Damn my Super Powers.

So I came home from a wonderful night out with Melissa, dinner and mindless shopping at West Ed, and proceeded to nurse The PRincess. Who proceeded to throw up all over me as soon as she was done eating. Gonna be a long night, let me tell you.

We finished Buffy and I am in mourning. I can't believe that the series is done. I can't believe how it ended, I can't believe that I would start again from show 1 if my sister didn't have the seasons.... but there is some light at the end of the tunnel of despair that is the lack of the Buffyverse.....Season 8 of Buffy is being done in comic! And I, in my sheer desperation to not let go of the wonder that is Buffy, bought my first ever comic book tonight. Which starts out where we left off in the series, one year later. And I realized that its not just the show, it really is the storyline that I love as well. I desperately want to know what happens and if I have to read it, so be it. Now you can call me a geek and throw things at me.

OH, and my sis and bro bought me season 1 and 2 of Angel that I can start soon as well. Talk about great siblings!

Other than that, Mike hurt his knee a bit at work, better than the pipe that was going to hit him and his partner. His partner didn't fare as well when they both jumped off their ladder, he has a sprained ankle and is totally off work for a while. Mike is fine to work. This is the hardest part to get used to, before the worst that would happen at Mike's work is a nasty papercut, now Mike has to be careful everyday and is NOT! Just kidding honey. Sorta. Freaks me out if I think too much about it.

So he bought me flowers to ease my stress....aren't they loverly!

Everyone have a good weekend! Mine is actually off to a great start, nothing like a girls night out...tomorrow Mike and Brett are off to dinner and to see that movie 300 (ugh totally a guys movie if there ever was one) and then we are going to be outside in this beautiful weather!