Oooh I had a shopping spree today....all the Joe clothes are on sale for 25% off the next 3 days, which makes their already cheap clothes even cheaper! Then add on my $30 off coupon when you spend $250, and it was deal day galore.
So my cost, $112! The Princess is now pretty much set for summer, that's 7 shirts, 2 skorts (omg CUTE!) one pair shorts, two dresses and adorable sandals. I love the "mod" theme they have! I also love that everything mixes and matches, I HATE stores that create 5 different shades of pink and none match (yes, mom's of girls, you know exactly what I am talking about!) ALL the pinks match each other, ALL the shirts have a color that matches the skorts or shorts, and OMG that dotted dress made me almost squeal out loud!
Poor Mr K got the one lonely pair of jean shorts LOL! He has a closet full of t-shirts and shorts, he needs pretty much nothing this year.
And I found a dress for ME that fits SO well, and is sooo comfy and is so adorable! I also loved the peasant shirt behind it, dark colored but such airy material.
I might have to go back when Mom can spend more time looking for herself..the kids were so good while I tried things on, I didn't push my luck tho.
Friday, May 02, 2008
I Heart Superstore
Posted by The MIKK Family at 12:41 PM 1 comments
Hurray for May!
My lupines are coming up already! I think they are early this year.... but I will take any and all greenery!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
BBQ Weather
MMM I went all out for dinner tonight, I was inspired by the absolutely gorgeous weather, and the fact that other than the mud, it felt like summertime. The kids were outside at 9:30 at their request, came in from 12 until 2 for lunch and a nap for the Princess, then back outside until 5! It was a fantastic way to spend the day.
So I made mesquite chicken breast on the bbq, fresh corn on the cob, carrots and homemade cornmeal god, was it TASTY LOL.
And no bbq is complete without the requisite beer. Good thing we enjoyed it, looks like it will be cooler later this week, so I am glad we lived outside today. I also cleaned out my flowerbeds in the back, got dirt under my nails for the first time in a looong while :) and generally lazed around in the sun.
I work the next 3 nights, then 9-1 on Sat/Sun (I LOVE those shifts, hardly feels like I work and I get to spend the whole afternoon with my family, can't beat that) and we have lots of spring cleaning planned as well for the yard and house. Fun fun!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:58 PM 2 comments
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The Weekend
Ah, a good, relaxing and fun weekend! WE went to Calgary for my nephews baby shower and got to see everyone altogether in one room with lots of food and lots of babies. What could be better? Oh, and there was a smattering of alcohol too, so it was pretty much perfect.
The nice pic of Kandice, Violet and I, the funny one, along with others, is on the kids blog.
Speaking of Kandice, we went out for breakfast in Crossfield this morning on our way out of town, to a wonderful little place called Michelle's (if I remember correctly) and had a FANTASTIC greasy spoon diner breakfast.
I commented on the lost art of the greasy spoon, and really, it is. Denny's is just a shadow of what a good ol' truck stop diner can whip up for you for breakfast. The kids had pancakes with whipped cream and berries (the cafe had my undying loyalty the moment I saw that you could choose 1, 2 or 3 pancakes, hellooooo toddler who doesn't eat more than half of one LOL!) so they each were served their own separate plate with their own special breakfast for a minimal cost. Then Mike and I proceeded to stop our hearts with eggs, grated hashbrowns, sausage and toast and coffee by the bucket. Which were all fantastic tasting and lumberjack portioned.
And there's nothing like leaving NOT feeling ripped off because you are stuffed to the gills. And having a waitress who actually talks to you while pouring your coffee, ooh, scratch that, a waitress who comes around refilling your cup before you even actually need another. And being able to watch all the "locals" coming in for their own breakfasts.Oh OH OH and NOT having to wait for a table to seat 2 young kids, 2 babies in seats and 4 adults, even tho they were pretty busy. Try doing that at Denny's next Sunday morning, I dare you!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:51 PM 1 comments