Saturday, April 11, 2009

Girls Weekend Day 1: My New Bangle

Day one of girls weekend with Kandice, we went to the Antiques show. I actually only found myself one little thing, a gorgeous handmade glass bead bracelet. I have been admiring artists on the web for a while now who create these, they are amazing works of art. So I was REALLY excited to find one for myself! I actually can't get a good picture of it, the glass doesn't want to photograph well, I am sure a local photographer I know can clue me into why ;)

I also picked up some others things for the kids for Easter, will post after they receive them! I love that the antiques show has not only antiques but is almost like a flea market with assorted quality things to find.

Today is SPA DAY and I am taking my camera!!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

More Signs of Spring At Our House