We have been waiting for Christmas to be over to add a new family member since we lost our Luna. So today we headed to the Humane Society and found our girl, so here's introducing Buffy. Yes, I named my cat Buffy. We intend on getting another one and naming it either Scooby (Mr K desperately wanted to name her that but I told him we would get a male cat later one) or Spike to go with Buffy ;) I might have to let Mr K win tho since I got my way on this name!
She is the tiniest little thing, she's 1.6 years old and such a wee cat! She's curled up on my mom's arm at the moment all content.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Our Newest Family Member
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:42 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Bookity Books
Alrighty, I KNOW that there are lots of you who were given books or, like me, received a Chapters card (which is about my favoritest gift ever) and went straight away book shopping. So, what did everyone get for books, or will be getting?
I bought :
I am pretty sure there are more Philippa Gregory books in my future, she writes about the Tudor era which captivates me.
And of course the rest of my Twilight books as well. I read them all over the holidays lol.
The book below is something I am completely excited about, I LOVE the Kelley Armstrong books and now she is writing about the men from all her books, due this spring. Not only are they probably going to be awesome ( because once you are hooked into her created "otherworld", you are sunk) all her profits from this anthology are going to be given to World Literacy of Canada. I wasn't surprised to see that their overseas work starts with the women of the community for literacy, it makes sense that someone who features strong women as her leads in books would chose to endorse them.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:32 PM 11 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Separated at Birth, I Tell You
Seriously. Not only do we pick up the phone to call each other at the exact same moment this morning, we obviously shop together through our psychic connection.
I first noticed it at Kandice's house when I picked up her jacket thinking it was mine, but when walking through the Festival of Lights I heard Mr K from behind "Mo-om! You guys have the same jacket! That's funny!"
Just add it to a loong list of why people ask "are you two sisters?"
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
The Mom Song
I stole this from Cindy's blog, I hadn't ever heard it before, worth a few snorts for sure.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Alrighty my laptop died a week ago, and I can't get my favorites off the hard drive that I saved from it. Yes I know, my other half should be able to do this, but something went awry and there are only a few blogs saved.
SO all you Janes, Brandy's Amanda's, Cori's and more, please email me the link to your blogs karlynn@telus.net.
Please and thanks!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:58 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Merry Christmas to Me
Yah, I am bad. But when I was shopping for others I bought myself a gift! I am going to re-read them, the only one I own is Breaking Dawn, and I have only read them once when borrowed from Amanda, I would like to re-read them all.

Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, December 05, 2008
What I am Thankful For
Well B asked on her blog what we are all thankful for, so here goes.
Top of my list at this exact moment are Caramel Correttos ;)
I am always grateful for my parents and siblings. My brother who babysat the kids on his day off this week without hesitating a single moment when I needed emergency babysitting NOW so I could go to work, my sister who even before she had children would visit all the time and take trips with us, and now comes with her son Deklen, my children love them and talk about them constantly, and my parents who love my kids almost as much as I do. And sneak them Kinder Eggs when I am not looking (what, you thought they wouldn't tell ? LOL!) And grateful that my parents did such a good job (accident? luck?) with all us kids that we are close and can depend on each other like no one else can. And knowing that my own children will learn by our example and know that no matter what, not just their own parents are their shelter and rock in life, but they have an entire "village" that loves them :) , makes my heart glad daily.
Oh, and the fact that my parents are watching the kids in January so Mike and I can get away for a weekend makes me kinda like them.
And every, single Friday evening, there is always this moment when I sit back and think of how grateful I am that I got through the week. That I fufilled my responsibilities at work, The Princess and I spent our Thursday at Mr K's school and I got my volunteer hours in, that we managed to have clean clothes and groceries in the house, and lately, its been one fieldtrip/playdate a week as well which means that they are getting out for some super fun. Notice I don't mention that my house is clean, cause, yah, that would mean I go without sleep and clean at night, because there are only so many daytime hours in a day!
On that note I am grateful my position at work is almost done and I can go back to casual until the position I want is up.
I am grateful that I live in a city where my schooling or unschooling choices are AMAZING!
I am grateful that my new year is going to be such a NEW year literally for us, with changes made for the better of our family.
And these are literally what I think of daily, things are incredibly busy, I honestly can't remember ever having so much going on in my life. I think the word non-stop applies to our life right now. So I am always thinking of the grateful side of things because if I don't, it would be waaay to easy to start complaining and then never stop!
Oooh and I am soo thankful for my new jeans that I bought with the giftcard I won at the Telus party!
So tag, your turn, what are you grateful for?
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:57 PM 2 comments
6 Down, 1 To Go..
I officially have ONE triop left. I think I opened my big blogging mouth too soon, because I fed them yesterday before leaving for school with K, then came home to 5 dead triops.
THEN last night, I think the bigger one ate the smaller one because I don't even have a corpse!
EEeew LOL. Science rocks.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:34 AM 3 comments
AHA! I Remember!
Thanks to Amanda who has me blogging at 7 in the morning. LOL. Since of course things drive me absolutely crazy until I remember them, I had to remember what I bought last year by Melissa and Doug and where the heck it was made LOL! I guess I didn't post then because they were presents...
So if you are looking for safe(r) gifts for babies, and are still boycotting made in China, these are Made in Vietnam, and I also remember that all over the front of the package there was information about the safe wood used and the non toxic dyes used as well, since these are for 12 months and up. There were all sorts of other ones too, pandas and frogs and fish, that were made in Vietnam, you just have to look. I remember last Christmas consisting of standing in aisles reading boxes and packages in the store. Also, this stacker made me very happy to be able to buy those same girls as well, ( a few months later when shopping with Kandice) a safe(r) wooden version of those classic plastic rings (that I wouldn't trust at all anymore, shudder) also made in Vietnam.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:07 AM 1 comments
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Healthy Toys
I definitely don't have the time to be as prolific at posting as I was last year, and this year has been made easy by mainly buying Playmobil and Lego (made in Malta/Germany/not China and as safe as you can expect)
This website, Healthy Toys , is a wealth of information. I probably posted it last year as well, but they have tested even more toys throughout the year.
I was glad to see the puzzles I bought (Melissa and Doug) for a couple toddler who might chew them ;) were safe. Most of Melissa and Doug toys that I looked at (there are quite a few) are safe, which makes me happy to trust the brand a bit more.
Have a look, I always find it interesting.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:43 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
More Aquasaurs
They are getting MUCH bigger now, but we have 7 !! of them that are almost an inch long already...and I think they were supposed to start eating each other before that point! Seriously, only 1-2 are supposed to make it to adulthood, so we are waiting to see what happens. Oh, and we also have 2 waterbug creatures in there as well, and they aren't being eaten either.
MUCH cooler than sea monkeys! We watched one molt today as well, and there is a pile of exoskeletons at the bottom of the container, like a cool creepy graveyard almost. Tons of entertainment!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:41 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Holy Pain in The Ass Spiderman!
This had to be the biggest pain in the ass to make, but of course, mom had to make what Mr K chose. I really REALLY wanted to make WallE, I tried SO hard to convince him, but he was stuck on Spiderman for his birthday. No idea why, he has no Spidey toys and has never watched it on TV. Maybe from the games at school? Who knows.
I can't believe I actually made it! And the cupcakes for the kids who's parents don't want them having red dye..
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:46 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
These look like so much fun!! Auntie Angela bought them for Mr K for his birthday and I think I get more excited than the kids do. They can grow up to 2 inches long, MUCH more interesting than Sea Monkeys! We are going to get them started today....
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:32 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It sucks that:
Mr K is still sick, or got sick again, today with a cold and a fever out of nowhere.
I've had sick kids for 11 straight days.
I got a speeding ticket.
My dryer broke this weekend right after The Princess started her projectile vomiting.
I am tired of this GI virus and not being able to eat anything but goddamn applesauce and Lipton soup.
We lost Luna, its pretty much official, she hasn't been seen for weeks, and she hasn't been turned into the pound or the Humane Society. We've combed the neighborhood too, no Luna. :(
But on the other hand...
At least I have two beautiful, wonderful children.
Mike is a great help with the kids..
I coulda had a bigger fine with my ticket....
We have the funds to fix the dryer, not everyone is so lucky.And its fixed. And the 12 loads of laundry are done and my house smells less like puke.
Uh..well the GI virus will go away eventually. And I had toast just now! yippee!
But I really don't have much to say positive about Luna, I had her before I had Mike, she'd been around our whole time together as a couple, pretty sad about that.
And I am so wiped out (prob why I can't kick this damn virus) after taking care of two sick kids, still working all my evening shifts but one, and now taking care of Mike since he got fixed at the vet's (lol I like saying that, cheers me up!) but at least my mother in law is here to help entertain the kids, and at least we can get all this sick shit over with before K's birthday and Christmas!
What??? It can't be all sunshine and speeding ticket posts!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:29 PM 3 comments
My Get Well Present For Mike
Well its been FOREVER since I have one of these! And obviously well deserved, from the speed I was doing! Well ok, I will argue the speed. I am not quite sure how I was going almost 70 going up Grierson hill right after turning the corner off the bridge. Seriously, how I managed to get the van going that fast up the hill to the Shaw center I'll never know.
So yes, Mike had the BIG SNIP TRIP this morning, then we went straight to the airport to get his mom. Poor man. This however, immeasureably cheered him up, which I proceeded to tell the nice officer as he ticketed me. Now after my beaking for years about his getting tickets, I have one, and I can't beak as much at him about his. Because I also didn't have current insurance on me, just the expired one. WTF Karlynn, you KNOW better!
Yah, its a good thing that I am darn good looking and had nice cleavage today. And luckily Mike had his crackberry so I called AMA and they told Mister Nice Policeman that I did indeedily do have coverage, but I was just obviously dumb as a stick, and to take it easy on me.
I really did have a great laugh tho, when he came back and handed me just the $113 speeding ticket and said "Well, the ticket for failing to produce insurance is $172, so really, when you think about, I just SAVED you 60 dollars today!"
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:00 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Adopt A Family
Well, its that time of year again, when I get greatly annoyed with the Salvation Army in Edmonton and have to try and find out if they are doing this program here again. Yah, that's not quite in the spirit of things, I know. But it irritates me that they have this huge,amazingly organized Adopt-A-Family event in Calgary (where we first started doing it before we were even married) and here? Phhht, you have to chase someone down, who is a different person every year so I have to call around and dig it out of people. AND Red Deer has it listed too for pity's sake! ARGH!
I'm going to (when I finally track the person down) ask them why its basically unknown and invisible here in Edmonton. Its a huge event in Calgary, (gee, and Red Deer too) and works like a beautiful machine there, it is something to behold I tell you.
So HERE , for those of you in Calgary who might be interested, is the link to the event, there are the pdf forms and everything you need to know.
Yes, I sound grinchy, especially after my last Christmasy post. I just got all excited because the Salvation Army's site is all new and updated and has those forms online this year, and there's NOTHING for Edmonton.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:58 PM 1 comments
Sick, Santas and Serious Stench
That sums up the weekend so far! The Princess decided last night to start throwing up with the flu (thus the serious stench in the house and the sick) and I HATE how that flu smell just permeates through the whole damn house. I have to wash everything to get my house back to normal.
The Santa's and their company were our one cheery spot this weekend, I bought them off Kijiji for $20, I seriously ADORE the plastic Christmas decorations...getting closer and closer to that plastic sleigh and reindeer...one year.... I don't like the tin things that are in the stores, they look cheap, not in a plastic cheap, but a fall apart kinda cheap...
Speaking of which, have I ever mentioned I work with a girl who's last name is Griswold? I have told her numerous occasions that I am jealous :) and she honestly wants to keep her last name when she gets married. I would also think her husband should be more than happy to take her name as his!
I think the yard is going to be crazy this year. I have gone crazy. I have too many lights and too many decorations. I still don't have 25,000 lights, but I am working on it :)
And holy shit, I aspire to do this LOL!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:18 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Wanna Get Rid Of That Candy??
Hurray, someone WANTS candy, unlike ungrateful co-workers and stuffed parents (myself included!)
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:20 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 01, 2008
A New Door!
This was Mike's project to complete while I worked Saturday, my parents and sister were up and he had the help he needed to get it in while someone watched the kids and helped Mike putty the glass into the door.
Voila! This has been on my list FOREVER because the front area needed light sooo badly, but the doors are so damn expensive. My sister got it for free through her workplace, Mike brought it back on his Calgary trip with the kids and now its in!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 2:08 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Witches Hats
This really is a craft more than baking, the original recipe calls for you to bake sugar cookies
(with cocoa added to make them brown) but I cheated due to time restraints. I am proud of the fact that I managed to make the damn things, never mind baking the bottoms!
The bottoms I bought chocolate covered digestive cookies, then mini cones for the top. Melt chocolate in the micro carefully ( I say carefully because you can trash it so easily, or at least I sure can) take your handy dandy pasty brush, and paint away. By brushing the chocolate around the bottom of the cone and cookie you seal them together really well. We put mini tattoos rolled up in each one for a surprise, the original recipe uses full sized cones and a chocolate covered cereal treat mix. When I attempt this next, I want to use gummy worms and assorted "eeeew factor" treats inside full sized cones. With the real baked cookie bottoms ;)
Easy, and LOTS of fun to do with kids. Mr K painted with chocolate, and sprinkled the tops and had so much fun. I had told him about the project the night before and the first words out of his mouth in the morning were "when can we make the witches hats mom?" And this is something on my list to make, a melon brain! Brandy had it at her party today, which funny enough I was looking at online last night, desperately wanting to try out! Its sooo awesome!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 5:22 PM 3 comments
Labels: crafts
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mac Commercials
A couple more that made me laugh... I love these commercials.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 11:53 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Mulder Left His Calling Card...
I just always get the goodies in the secondhand books I find, this time its a card for the Eidolon Project Canada.. Paranormal Activity,Research and Investigation. All Mulder jokes aside : COOL!!
Website isn't the best but there are a few interesting things on there.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: reading
Sunday, October 12, 2008
My Tacky Obsession
They're tacky and retro tacky and a whole new level of tackified, but I LOVE these stools! I had one a long time ago that the cat got to, then my mom bought me a red one that I have in our room upstairs and then I found this one for 10 bucks today and couldn't resist. I see them so rarely that I just have to pick them up when I have the chance. ONE DAY, I am going to have a retro rec room with a lovely olive scratchy material rounded couch (ah too bad they threw out my grandma's) and some other retro sheer TACK Lol.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 2:18 PM 0 comments
The Weekend
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone! Hope you are as stuffed and happy as we are! We had Wyatt and Christina over for supper on Saturday, so I made more food that I would have for just us, and of course, being the Martha wanna-be I am, loved every minute of the fussing and baking and cooking. I could do without the cleaning, so I think that I REALLY want to be Martha-who-has-a-maid-, plus Martha-who-has-someone-ELSE-to-run-to-the-store-because-you-forgot-effing-gravy.
I made my sweet potato casserole which only Kade and I like. So not sure if I will make it again for Christmas, but man, I think its fantastic! Sweet potatoes baked with milk and eggs and brown sugar to make it a little sweet, then a crunchy pecan topping on top. YUM! I understand the use of buffet's and sideboards everytime I have people over, its totally another counter in my kitchen, which I always need. This time I made it the dessert buffet, and thanks to Dad's fantastic port that he made (this is next on my list to make) we even had a dessert wine. Oooh so fancy schmancy for just us LOL!
Then today we decided to go thrift shopping and Mr K was the deal finder, he found this mummy under a table, dragged it out and came running over "Mommy! I found a blow-up Mummy!!!" and of course I bought it, $19.99 for what turned out to be a completely intact, brand new Halloween blowup! Love it!
I am far too lazy to type out all my book finds so took a picture, which might have taken more time in the end, but I still *think* it was easier. We also found a huge kids Atlas which Mr K loves, and about 6 Christmas kids books as well that I am going to tuck away for few weeks yet.
I LOVE finding the ghost story books there, at $2.49 they are an entertaining read. Ooh and I picked up a Christmas craft book too, whee!
Ok, and this book made Mike and I laugh in the store, its PERFECT for a gag gift for some guy at his office! If you click on it and read the guarantee on the front its funny too!
So all in all we had a really good weekend, I didn't bother taking tomorrow off since its stat pay for me and Mike is home anyways, so I'll be in at work.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:41 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
I have been waiting for days for this picture, I have been dying to see how it looked, and she looks gorgeous, and like any mama who's enjoying a quiet moment of breastfeeding.. true! You're just used to the famous face, but she actually looks pretty tired and the hair isn't perfect, but she's radiant. What a classy picture, I would love to see the rest of the photos. Hurray for beautifying and normalizing it even more <3
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Labels: breastfeeding
I Am a Fire Dragon!
I always knew of course that I was year of the Dragon, but now I found out I am extra cool. We are learning about China since Mr K is obsessed and I came across this, so he's not the only one learning!
The Fire Dragon is a powerful force to be reckoned with. This is a Dragon doubled! The Fire Dragon can move from calm and collected to combustible in a matter of seconds. In some ways the Fire Dragon is his or her own worst enemy. These Dragons cannot help feeling they are valuable and all-knowing. (aha hahahaha!) When they are right their vehemence and vigor is an asset to the cause, and though they value objectivity, they do not always employ the best decision-making measures, and sometimes jump to the wrong conclusion. They also suffer from recklessness and quick tempers. Yet, when they do keep their temper, emotions, and rivaling spirit under control, they emanate a commanding influence on other people.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Ants for Auntie
Har de har har at my title ;) but Karami, here are some pics for you. The first one is from the day after we started them:...and now this is a week later.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:38 PM 1 comments
The Princess' New Room a.k.a My Weekend Project
I spent the weekend alone, and took on the project of The Princess' room, which has been on my list FOREVER. I made her some lilac colored curtains and then never found anything to match lol. Good thing it was about 99 cents a meter at Fabricland, I wasted about 5 bucks.
Anyhow, I went to Ikea, who rarely lets me down, and sure enough, fell in love with this Fabler line. All sorts of lovely old fashioned characters, and fairy frogs, and in gorgeous colors that aren't too girly. When I looked at Walmart the aisle with children's bedding looked like someone had drank pepto bismol and threw up on the shelves, god, that horrid Hannna Montana neon pink crap! Not to mention there is nothing but licensed character sets.
So as per usual I bought two sets of bedding and this one was just PERFECT for creating. The duvet cover had a polka dot pattern on the back, so I was able to use that side for curtains with the extra set.
View from the hall...
The characters on the bedding,I had tried to explain this to my mom and couldn't, you just have to see it. It has lovely colors of red, pinks, lavenders and blues too... I just fell right in love. It sounded tacky when I tried to explain all the colors.
The adorable fairy frogs on the wall lights... The art I made, I painted two frames and put a picture of The Princess in one, then an embroidery that A made her when she was born. Ahem, it may be 2.5 years later, but I used it! The middle one is cardboard with with batting for depth, then fabric glued over, for fabric art.
My favorite part, I covered the frame with material, it was a plain wooden bar type, and it covered up so lovely! I wanted to hide the cords behind the bed, and this turned out SO much better than I thought it could, its a great headboard now. My hot glue gun was my best friend this project.
And the stuffed fairy frog makes me squeeee with its cuteness lol.
The wall quilt I sewed with the other side of the second set of fabric, I did it in a patchwork design, then yes, hung it sideways LOL! It looked much better with all those stripes facing a different direction, it was a little too orderly the other way, this way offset the matchy matchyness of everything. And that is that! I am not in the least bit rested from the weekend LOL BUT man, it feels good to have one huge project off my list. I also have her name in wooden letters to be attached to the outside of her door.
I was busy Friday and I also donated 6 !! (where do we get all this crap!) bags of clothes, toys and books. Oh, and one bag of kitchen stuff, my cupboards are uncluttered! The basement is almost ready for playing in all winter,that is my project this coming week. The toys are all sorted out and lovely on the shelves, the pop/beer bottles are all taken in, I need a weekend to myself more often!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:01 PM 3 comments
New Hair
Not only did I redo the Princess's room this weekend, between working really, really hard at work (bwhahahaha as if) I also popped to Pink Lime (oh, la, I DO like that place!) and went for the big chop and color.
Et voila! This is the closest I have been to my natural color in years ;) The Princess kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye, then telling me "mommy I love your beautiful haircut ", so she's trying to get used to the big change obviously!
Kandice you commented before I could finish posting LOL! I added the second pic.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 2:55 PM 8 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Sick of Being Sick
That's pretty much it, the title sums it up. I am soo tired of having a cold, this is week #2 now, it went from my head to my chest this past week, and I swear to god, its heading back up to my sinuses as I type. I am SO DONE with feeling like shit.
I can't win, I realize. Not only do I enter into the land of the germs twice a week at school with the kids, I also work in a hospital, which, ahem, is full of sick people of course. Who cough all over the place, who touch door handles, stair railings, elevator buttons...um, I better stop at that, before I take a jaunt to emerg and borrow some masks and gloves and wear them like good ol' Micheal Jackson. Shudder.
Anyhow, has anyone tried ColdFx?? I'm thinking I need a real immunity boost this year...there's a girl here who swears by it, and she's not sick yet, even tho I have hacked and coughed and sneezed all over the workstations down here. (see? I am my own worst enemy, the sick employee that comes in anyway)
I think I am going to pick up some this week, because the combination of late nights with germy environments is going to steamroll me this winter. I have been eating incredible amounts of fruit and veggies and vitamins and exercise and NOTHING is working to ward off the colds.
And that's my rant.. I am at said workplace-full-of-infectious-diseases and was bored enough to blog lol.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:33 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Two Master Bedrooms
A funny title, yes, but I have decided that in my dream house, there are two master bedrooms. Funny enough ,I mustn't be the only one, because I guess builders ARE building new houses that have two master suites!
And yes, you can probably guess that this stems from Mike's infernal snoring and teeth grinding.
But in reading an article about it, I found some funny truths hidden in there, decadent dream or not. The article brought up the point that we teach our children to be able to sleep alone, in fact, is this not the golden dream from day one? To have them completely independent, in their own bed, in their own room, settled quietly and dreaming of sugarplums.
THEN when they choose to co-habitate with someone, in whichever form they choose, society instantly expects them to sleep in the same room as said tooth-grinding-snoring-like-chainsaw person? (hey, this can apply to both sexes, my old roomate could grind her teeth like a trash compactor)
And its FROWNED upon if you have separate bedrooms. I can't tell you how many times I have read that its damaging to a relationship, that you lose the closeness of being a couple, and that in order to reach couple nirvana, yes, you must sleep in the same room.
So, all our lives before we live with our partner, we are expected to sleep alone. Twenty, twenty five or more YEARS of sleeping in quiet bliss in your own space, to then be thrust into sleeping beside someone who's sleep habits make you want to commit spousicide. <--yes that's a word, at least in the urban dictionary ;)
So of course my wandering mind meandered to the thoughts of our childrens' schooling, which is of course, ever present on my mind lately. And how in most schools, children are taught in an environment that you can hear a pin drop in. Taught to concentrate in absolute silence, with punitive measures for those who break this golden hush surrounding learning. That THIS is the only way that children can learn, that they can't concentrate and absorb what they are being taught unless there is silence from all.
So who here has a quiet work environment? Anyone? I can truthfully say that I can't remember the last time that I worked in a place as quiet as a classroom. There is always a constant din of office noise surrounding us.
So there's another example, 12-13 years of learning only to be thrust into the workplace where sometimes, you can't hear yourself think. I don't count university in those years because that is an active choice on the part of whomever is partaking in those courses, not forced to "get your diploma" because you can't get a job without one.
I have lots of weird, random thoughts lately with Mr K starting his school, and myself trying to learn and adjust and think (oh the lessons we parents are taught daily) and this post would fall into that category. I LOVE that he is learning to concentrate with a burble of noise around him, that this is really preparing him for what life is, learning how to take on your projects and work on them even while putting up with that annoying person who keeps popping over your cubicle with the latest Dilbert cartoon, or simply finishing your coloring page with the classmate beside you who feels like singing his ABC's loudly today, bless his little off-key heart.
I probably don't have to add that I can't sleep beside Mike because I wouldn't function in the morning, but I WILL add, that every single google picture I found was the MAN snoring, with a frustrated woman beside him!
I guess not only are we obviously doomed to never find couple nirvana, our son is obviously being slighted in his education by not being ensconced in silence for his learning.
OH, and we are going to hell because we co-sleep with our children too, they will never function in normal society now because they never learned to sleep alone. Let me tell you, thanks to Mike's snoring, our children will be able to sleep through a hurricane. Now tell me THAT'S not a life skill!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:09 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My Friday Project
My falls bulbs that I picked up at superstore.... I am torn on daffodils and tulips..they have never been my favorites...maybe I will try some daffodils as well, but the planting time is NOW since its getting so chilly.
I was very excited to see the Allium (giant onions pretty much) I have wanted to try these for a while now! The others are all shorter ones that I am going to plant around the edge of the back flowerbed, and then stagger with pansies etc later on in the year when the blooms are gone...so I have a border that blooms from April to September...eh? Lookit that thinking.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:08 PM 0 comments