Not much can entice me to a full rant lately, too much out there really and I don't have THAT much time on my hands, contrary to popular belief lol. However in my surfings tonight I came across this newly banned ad by Dolce and Gabbana. The fact that its banned is nothing new for D&G, they truly delight in uproars due to their ads. (go google their silly knife ad) I don't find myself inclined to rant about feminism matters, there's too many good blogs out there that already do that. But take a look at this f-ing ad! Tell me what you think. Even Mike took a look at it and was horrified that he's holding her hands down.
What really chaps my ass, is that the newspaper articles are talking about feminists in Spain complaining about this, raising an uproar. Oh, now that women are upset, it must be the goddamn feminists, right?
How about one stay-at-home mom with a slight left-wing bent, who doesn't want her son growing up looking at shit like this, and thinking this is the norm? That this is how to treat women? That if your friend treated a woman like this, you what? Stand there all oiled up like a greased pig and watch? The fact that this could be in the ads in City Center downtown and he could be looking at this while we shop, disgusts me beyond belief.
Sigh. Rant over.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Yeah, but ya gotta admit, the one in the jeans with no shirt is pretty hot...
D'OH, I just checked, my kid has D&G glasses! I unknowingly supported this company. EEEP!
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