The Hydrangea That Wouldn't Die.
I couldn't kill this thing if I wanted to. Not that I want to, mind you, but I have tested its resiliancy thoroughly.It has been as dead as a doornail in a pot, (ok, dormant only but it sure looked dead) then revived with water. It gave me three measly leaves last summer, so I told it, Screw You, you are taking up too much space in my house with your crummy three leaf display, I have better plants to care for. And callously threw it into the front flowerbed to fend for itself.
I cleaned out the front flowerbed and went to pull it out, assuming it was toast and Damned if its not budding this spring! These plants are only supposed to winter to Zone 5, and even then its chancey, we are Zone 3a. That means we are 2 zones temperature-wise away from this surviving, yet its flaunting itself this spring. I have no clue what I did to ensure its successful overwintering, but now I am scared to even look at it the wrong way. So much for ever moving it as well, its now there for good. I am curious whether I will get more than 3 leaves this year LOL! (and yes, that is the one you gave me for my 29th bday, Kandice. Its the magic Hydrangea ) And my irises, which ARE supposed to come up in the spring. pretty!
And I forgot to post a picture of my Spike doll that was my present from Mike and Kade for my bday. Makes me laugh! Kade doesn't understand that we can't open it and play with it, he asks about once a day. I told him its an adult doll (LMAO at that) and that it stays in the box. Aaah only Mike would buy me that!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
OMG I'm not sure which part of this post made me laugh harder the Birthday Hydrangea that won't die (I should insert something lame and sentimental here about it being a representation of our frienship never dying or some crap). Or the Spike Doll, it totally made me think of the "Sailor Moon" period, I think there was quite a few of those dolls around at one time.
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