Monday, April 30, 2007

Random Facts Tag For Cori

Random facts game that I will not play properly. I am supposed to tag people after this and then they have to post their own random facts, but screw that noise. So here's some random facts about me. There is no "we" in Karlynn. Homey don't play that. (OMFG I just dated myself HAHAHAHA!)

1) The tattoo on my right ankle is my birthday rune symbol, and it was on the first necklace that Mike ever gave me. (which is lost now, good thing I got that tat!)

2) I have an obsession with linens and bedding...I could change my bedroom decor monthly.

3) For the longest time, I couldn't pronouce the word vanilla and I swear I have to think about it before I say it even to this day.

4) I have been breastfeeding for approximately 1256 days now. I'm tired just typing that.

5) Oooh oohh I haven't had 8 hours straight sleep since Nov 21, 2003. At least. That's not including being pregnant with Kade. Now THAT tires me out thinking about it.

6) Before I even had Kade I dreamed I had a boy and named him Kincaide, but called him Kade. Mike wouldn't let me name him that, so Kade he was. Damn Mike's black heart.

7) I laugh when I tell the truth but I will look you straight in the eye and lie, so you'll never know!! Mwhahahaha!


Cori said...

I am so the same way, I hate tagging people, as some people like the, and some will curse my name when they see they're it.

Total sympathy, I remember there was a few years stretch on interupted sleep at this house, I am so happy that I have full nights for at least 5 days per week now.