Literally, for the strawberries, the fruits of my labor. That was rather fast, it supposed to be 30 days from blossom to berry, did a month really pass by, that I have ripe strawberries? I am pleased with the results so far, they are bearing large, almost store (pesticide ridden) size (lol) and damn tasty and pesticide free! Now, if only I can get Miss Rose to stop picking the green ones! Yeesh. She has discovered them and now I have to watch her like a hawk so she doesn't pick them all.
My peas, happily climbing the netting. We are awaiting fresh peas impatiently!

Purple lupines....oh I love these flowers.
My mock orange that I forgot about lol. Just one of the bushes in the front, and I didn't remember what it was until it blossomed, and the smell is glorious, you realize why its found in so many perfumes, its amazing.
And my first real bouquet from my flowerbeds.

My dahlia, with so many stalky buds I can't count. It isn't the nicest looking plant,very spikey and stringy looking, but for cut flowers, my god, you can't beat it. And its so true. the more you cut the more it blooms, look at that thing! I wish I had done a couple more darn it. Next year.
My favorites....

Other than that, I am re-reading my Harry Potters in anticipation of not only the movie, but the newest and last book as well. I forgot how different the books are from the movies, the little things that they just can't add in. I am having a great time reading them and can't wait till the kids are old enough to enjoy them as well.

My dahlia, with so many stalky buds I can't count. It isn't the nicest looking plant,very spikey and stringy looking, but for cut flowers, my god, you can't beat it. And its so true. the more you cut the more it blooms, look at that thing! I wish I had done a couple more darn it. Next year.

Other than that, I am re-reading my Harry Potters in anticipation of not only the movie, but the newest and last book as well. I forgot how different the books are from the movies, the little things that they just can't add in. I am having a great time reading them and can't wait till the kids are old enough to enjoy them as well.
I have a team meeting tomorrow night, then work Wednesday night and then my weekend is free, and I do believe my mom and dad are up for a visit. That should be a lot of fun, the kids will be so excited to see them.
Hope everyone's having an ok Monday!
The garden looks gorgeous! Did you get my comment about the Lupins? They grow everywhere in NS-all over fields, next to highways-it's really beautiful. I'll try to get a pic of them for you!
Oops! I just read farther down and you did see my other post! Nevermind!
Wow, you have a great green thumb...they are all so pretty...just like you...
Such great growing things, you rock! Warning should you go to my blog, I have killed an impatiens plant. I suck.
I think I will read the Harry Potter's too! I'm reading some dud right now, so have no qualms putting it down.
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