Hope everyone had a great weekend! We went down to Calgary to visit my parents, and had a really good time there. Saturday we went out to Dickson Dam to meet Karami and Trevor, who were camping with their trailer out there. Best way to camp. Someone else packs up and does all the hardwork, then we just go out for the day and enjoy LOL!
Other than that, not much new. Here's a few pics from my yard.
The wonder hydrangea has bloomed. I guess when I redo the front landscaping next year, I won't be able to move it. I have no idea how it survived the winter and came back FULLY to life. I am scared to even move the dirt around it now.... My lilies...which are so freaking tall that I will have to move them next year, you can't see the fountain behind them!
My first ever successful gladiola. Never had one bloom before, darn exciting!And my favorite clematis
My asters are blooming, and I will definitely be planting these next year, they are fantastic! However, just like my lupines, I have an abundance of pink, even tho the package said "mixed".
That's about all....I am too tired from the weekend to blog much, as fun as it is to travel, its darn exhausting with the kids lol!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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