Friday, September 28, 2007

11 o'clock Escapades

Alrighty. Someone is busted. Not sure who just yet....we'll have to dust for prints tomorrow.

Mike and I were just getting ready to snooze when I saw light flashing onto the wall thru my big side window. So Mike went down to see what was going on, and sees someone taking pictures outside....who then hops into a minivan and speeds off recklessly, swerving, narrowly missing my neighbors dog, beer bottles flying outta the windows and hitting parked cars (ok I made that shit up). But yah, they drove away LOL.

So I notice all these on the lawn....(the balloon is an easter one i think..)

And written on the back of the "Be Mine" Valentine card is...
I either have some smart ass friends who were having FAR too good of a time cruisin' in the minivan, or well, a stalker I guess! The "be mine" kinda creeped me out.

Now. Melissa owns a minivan and Beckie owns a minivan. Who done it?

My guess? Brandy and Beckie had far too good of a time at the Goodwill. Am I right? Hmmm, tho Melissa does get crazy with those VBall people, and she's back in action......

So yah, I haven't had this good of a laugh since high school to be honest! Fits right in with the kinda pranks we would have pulled back then....god, Kandice, you remember the vaseline in car door handles trick?


And at least I blogged it first! Hehehehe.


Anonymous said...

ha hah ah ah ah! That is too funny!


Anonymous said...

LOL! Ok now I see what you were talking about this morning when you asked if I had anything to do with your lawn...I honestly thought it was the wine talking...

too funny! m

Rebecca McKay said...

That is kind of creepy and hilarious at the same time!

Anonymous said...

Sure sure ladies. We all know it was you.

KM said...

OMG I wasn't sure which of the last 2 posts made me laugh harder the lawn decore stalker or your 3.5 year old alki! Seriously it's like 5:00 in the morning of the "big day" and you have no idea how much I appreciated not one but 2 good old belly laughs!

miss b said...

omg, that is too funny!