Well a fantastic time was had on Friday night at the Telus party in Calgary, the whole family attended. Thanks again to Kandice, Dan et twin cuteness, as well as Alyssa for babysitting my heathens for that night. I owe you lots n' lots n' lots.
The whole family...Wyatt and Christina looking very cute, in a hurts-your-teeth kinda sick way.
Trevor and Karami. I think Trev was irritated when the first words out of my mouth this weekend were "Trev, what the hell, you have Oiler hair!! " (he's a diehard Flames fan).
Oh god, go pose for Gap already. For chrissakes. And the non Gap couple LOL! More like an ad for what too much vino can do to you in the course of an evening.
Here's Mike smiling. No really. He just turned to me and said "I thought I smiled at you for this picture???" He's smiling inside, I just know it.
All dressed up and somewhere to go for a change. Amazing what a bustier can suck in! Couldn't breathe or eat, but I looked slimmer. LOL just kidding I ate like a horse! The food was fantastic, the stuffing had apples and cranberries and walnuts in it and I need to try it this Christmas...the mousse was a layer of dark and a layer of white chocolate..I just made myself hungry...
Jen, us and Damian our wedding photographer that we run into every year or so. He has worked for Telus for years but this is the first time we have run into him at a work function. And every year he nags me to get my wedding negatives off of him...I think we just might get them this year.
Myself,Lynn and Jen.. Lynn is due 4 days after Karami, so many babies coming this spring!
Us, Lynn and Chris, and Jen and Gaby.
I won the centerpiece, or correction, Mike won it for me . And I promptly forgot it at Karami's house. Whoops.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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