It seemed weird to be putting up my Christmas tree on Rememberance Day, but we don't talk about the day with Mr K as of yet. War, fighting, peacekeeping, death, these just aren't topics that we have covered yet with him, and it made me realize today, that the meaning of Rememberance Day lay right within that thought of mine.

Mr K has no idea what war is. He doesn't have to huddle down when an air raid siren goes off, or be frisked at military checkpoint while out shopping with his family. He sees no gunfire, hears no screams of the bereaved, feels no pain at the death of a loved one at the hand of war.
I have always been aware and grateful to those who served, to those who have fought in the World Wars to ensure our way of life, our very basic freedoms. We cannot imagine the horrors, the sacrifices of not only their lives, but mothers who lost their sons, wives who lost their husbands and soulmates. Those who worked hard at home, as well as on the frontlines. But to look at my son today and realize that HIS life was directly affected by all this, well, usually only a parent can comprehend why that makes it ten times more meaningful than any thoughts of myself.
So thank you, to all who have served, have died, who fought in unholy conditions, those who have lost someone, you who have sacrificed and to those who are serving in the military as I write. Thank you for the fact that my almost 4 year old has no clue what war is, knows not of death and terror, and most importantly, he has peace of heart, peace in his life and peace of mind. I am more grateful this day then I have ever been.

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