I thought I would tackle some Italian foods this weekend, and they turned out fantastic. Dinner was a hit with everyone, and Mr K had the most fun with his new word, polenta. He wandered around saying "poooooo-lentaaaaaa" after dinner LOL, it really is a fun word.
So the poooo-lentaaa, I made it with parmesan and basil which was really tasty. I didn't realize that it should set for a good 4 hours so I threw it outside for about 1/2 hour, that did the trick. Nothing like -20 to set food. Then because I wanted them round, I used a glass to cut them out. This just made me laugh. Mike was being an ass with the camera. Let's just say there were, key word being were, also unflattering pictures of me getting various items from bottom cupboards. My jeans put plumbers to shame. BUT it shows the lovely new apron that Melissa made me for Christmas! Martha never looked this good I tell you.
The Italian seasoned rib-eye....fennel,oregano with artichoke marinade. Throw them into the oven on broil (the polenta is SOOO good crisped on the outside) for about 7 minutes each side.
The finished product, polenta with an artichoke/sundried tomato topping, fresh tomatoes and the steaks. The recipes are really long and I am too lazy to type them out, let me know if you want them and I can send you them.
My dessert totally was a flop, I miscalculated the stooopid gelatin and didn't have enough. ( or it was the two glasses of wine blurring my vision as I read the recipe... hmmm...note to self....) So it was pumpkin pudding on a graham crust instead of pumpkin squares. Still tasted good, but I won't make it again for all the effort it was. Floppity flop flop.
Tomorrow night is Jiffy Jambalaya and I can't wait! MMmmmmmm....
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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