...at least telepathically.. I guess its a day to go down in family history, Trev turns 30, I turn 32 and my parents house almost burns down. Hey! I got something interesting to blog about out of it!
I guess the neighbor behind them, top of this picture, was out burning his trash and lit the damn grass on fire. Since there is almost no snow left, its dry as tinder and went up...and all the way thru 20 acres of pasture back there....
..all the way to where the yellow barn was...that's the fire crew putting out the remainder (which was nothing, the barn was toast. literally)..how close it got to the house from the west side...
...how damn close it got to the house on the north side.Some of the Hutterites from the colony where my mom teaches came out and lent my dad a hand, there were lots of hot spots left hours later, of course the fence posts are all smoldering if they weren't consumed completely.....
Not sure how the house didn't get burnt other than by the grace of the gods or a fast Fire unit response...I think it must have been Irricana, Airdrie doesn't have red pumpers, do they? AND they own the acreage beside it too, and that house was surrounded by small brush and bushes....and luckily the fire didn't get close to that. The yellow barn had tons of storage, Mike and I aren't sure what we had left in there, but nothing that important I don't think...I had taken my wedding crystal ages ago...mostly my parents things, and unfortunately all the stuff from when I and my siblings were babies :(
I AM upset that my Crystal Palace and She-Ra dolls went up in flames LOL...I really think I only had odds and ends out there but I guess we will think on it this week. It won't be anything that couldn't be replaced anyways!
So for happy news, my parents house is intact, at least I am not 40, my parents are ok, my wonderful husband sent me a photo montage e-card that made me cry this morning it was so sweet and thoughtful..E Card From Mike,
I also received my first Canadian Gardening magazine today, which was a treat! And Mike's present for me is coming in a few weeks....will post pics when I receive it, I am excited and totally spoiled rotten.
However. That said, I honestly don't think I can take much more stress this month, so a certain sister of mine better hurry up and have that baby for some cheers!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Happy Birthday!!!!! I'm happy you're parents and their home is okay, sorry to hear about the other things.
Hope you have a great day!!!
Wow, that fire was close, but glad only "stuff" got burnt. That's some birthday!
Happy Birthday! And holy man that fire got close!!
Happy Birthday. Living on an acreage I can appreciate how frightening fires can be...just so different to fighting a fire on city water :(
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