Saturday, May 24, 2008

Garden Patch

We finally got to the back beside the parking pad where I wanted to get a garden in. If I can't live in the country I'll just fill every available space I can with plants :)

So we took all the rocks (and weeds and grass, I HATE decorative rocks, what a pain) then rototilled it, put in peat,manure and soil and then planted. (That took ALL day, sounds so easy to type it out)

I have netting along the fence for my red runner beans again, snap peas (the ones you eat whole, they get about 6 feet tall too) and my yellow beans. I need one more section of netting, I'll get that next weekend.

So we planted squash....a spaghetti type I think lol...I wish I had found pumpkins....anyone know where to buy a plant? I have SOOO much room for them back there!

Broccoli and brussell sprouts... (Mr K is SO excited about those brussell sprouts, hope they grow)

Corn in the back, cauliflower and celery on the right.

Me, proving to my dad that I DID and WILL make use of the Telus hat he gave me :)

Here's hoping everything grows!


Jane said...

Greenlands had pumpkin plants - the standard and the atlantic giants last weekend - I noticed them with the water melons - they were with the squash etc etc...

Anonymous said...

rowr.. hey hot stuff.