My ultra fabulous, waited for 2 months super yummy smelling gorgeous purple leather purse is here! I don't usually blather on about my weight loss, I kinda don't like talking about it actually, I feel like its taboo, like like talking about someone's salary LMAO, but I think that Kandice and Jen knew I was treating myself to a fantastic , exactly-what-I-wanted-for-the-first-time-ever purse that I would love forever to reward and celebrate all the hard work I have done since, what, last summer I think? Definitely fall I started hard core working on getting healthier.
And she is here! The pic above makes it look blue, the pic below shows the true color. And it matches the necklace Kandice bought me for my birthday, can you tell I love that shade of purple?
And once for the record, my total weight loss is 57 lbs since last fall, I fell 3 short of my goal that I set to be when the purse arrived, but I think I will cut myself some slack for not getting to 60. Now no one has to ask and I don't have to tell anymore ;) Oh yah, and I will never tell anyone what I paid so don't ask that either LMAO!! My parents might find out and lecture.... ;) (what am I, 12 or 32 here....)
I am going to go sit and smell new leather smell alllllll night looooong.... so very happy my reward is here! I was like a kid on Christmas opening the box!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Yay, that's a fabulous purse, and good for you, treating yourself to what you want after achieving your goal!!
Way to go with all the hard work!
Forget the bag - YOU look amazing :) Congratulations :) And I bet you feel amazing too :)
Yep, one hot mama, and the purse totally suits you.
Congratulations Karlynn! That's a massive feat and you totally deserve a treat!
Way to go!!!
You're my Hero!Congrats on meeting your goal and on your very sexy new purse! Can't wait to see it in person, I bet it feels like Butta!
You look great-and so does the purse! Congrats to you, and nice way to treat yourself!
congrats on the weight loss chickie
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