Friday, May 02, 2008

I Heart Superstore

Oooh I had a shopping spree today....all the Joe clothes are on sale for 25% off the next 3 days, which makes their already cheap clothes even cheaper! Then add on my $30 off coupon when you spend $250, and it was deal day galore.

So my cost, $112! The Princess is now pretty much set for summer, that's 7 shirts, 2 skorts (omg CUTE!) one pair shorts, two dresses and adorable sandals. I love the "mod" theme they have! I also love that everything mixes and matches, I HATE stores that create 5 different shades of pink and none match (yes, mom's of girls, you know exactly what I am talking about!) ALL the pinks match each other, ALL the shirts have a color that matches the skorts or shorts, and OMG that dotted dress made me almost squeal out loud!

Poor Mr K got the one lonely pair of jean shorts LOL! He has a closet full of t-shirts and shorts, he needs pretty much nothing this year.

And I found a dress for ME that fits SO well, and is sooo comfy and is so adorable! I also loved the peasant shirt behind it, dark colored but such airy material.
I might have to go back when Mom can spend more time looking for herself..the kids were so good while I tried things on, I didn't push my luck tho.


Blackbird Pie said...

I love that pink polka dotted dress on the far right in the top photo!