Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rainy Rose

My first rose of the year, but WHAT is eating the leaves!!!!! Look at those poor, hole-ridden leaves!! I am going to have to find some sort of natural bug repellent...I had tried one of oil and soap on my lupine, but it actually wilted some leaves and a couple of the flower spikes, um, are totally mutant! (I will post pics when I can,they are freaky lol)

I saw this out the window this morning and of course I am crazed enough to run out and get a picture. In a few days, the whole bush will be covered in glorious pink blossoms and holey leaves. Can't wait.

I was crazy and pulled a double shift last night, I worked 230-1030, then stayed overnight to help the new night girl until 630 this morning. I am insane. However, let's just say that since its a government job, between the premiums for nights/weekends, double time for OT, and getting my breaks paid out, I made enough in 16 hours to pay for our second deck. There was no way I was turning it down because that happens once in a blue moon. All I had to do was stay awake all night and watch Sex in the City on my portable DVD player LOL! I got through, um, 7 episodes? Ok, and yes, I worked as well, but nights are SO quiet its not like working at all.

Mike was a great help :), he and the kids took me to work yesterday, the kids came and saw where mommy was spending the night (Mr K thought that was so cool) and met the girls, then came this morning and picked me up. He even went to Superstore grocery shopping with the two kids while I slept. He's in super husband mode this weekend and it sure helped with me pulling a crazy shift like that.

BUT I am super tired, I need to get to bed at about 8 tonight and just sleeeeeep till tomorrow now. I could never work nights on a regular basis and unless I was getting the crazy good pay I don't forsee ANY other night shifts in my future!

And, happy summer to everyone!! Its officially here at last!