My gallardia fanfare, I picked this up when Karami and I went to Hole's, and tho I was sorely tempted to buy the one already blooming, I resisted (the heftier price tag also helped) and grabbed a smaller cheaper one and threw it in the flowerbed.
Its soooo gorgeous! They are supposed to be ok to Zone 3, bloom from June to October (holy!) and if it comes back next year, I am going to make these the border around my flowerbed...I looove them! I am hoping to find seeds, but somehow I doubt I will.... Hehehe my little bird watchers being all stealthy waiting for the birds...notice the feeder is empty, I make those lazy birds come and eat the seeds off the grass first! They make SUCH A MESS! I think I am going to find a new place for it next year......just not sure where yet. You can see the huge sunflowers coming up beside it, I figured what the hell, let some grow. I have only weeded out about a 100 of them.
Other than that, we have been sticking close to home with Ivy's potty training, (doing a dance of joy now) and taking all sorts of small trips to the store, and to my work to meet Mike and she's been fantastic.I can't believe I have two potty trained kids! (runs around in circles with glee, cackling)
We are heading to the museum today with A and E, I am looking forward to the dragon exhibit! We were supposed to head to the beach, but its raining darn it..oh well, next week!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
I love the pics of your garden-makes me so anxious to get one of my own!
We might see you at the museum today, I told the kids we'd get out somewheres today for some fun-it's either the museum or Let's Play-cross your fingers for the museum!
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