We had a lovely walk this morning out at the Wilderness Center, it was crisp and the leaves were gorgeous! We didn't see much in the way of animal life, just a little mouse that us adults saw, which was of course, too fast for the kidlets to view.
I would like to head back with Mike and tackle a couple harder trails when we can take turns pushing the kids in the Chariot. The loop we did, I really want to get back and do a longer one.
I had guessed elk, but on second thought I think its large enough for moose... remembering the size of my grandpa's old moose foot ashtray (I shit you not!) I am going to say moose now. It was the same size as The Princess's shoe. Anyone care to weigh in on the guessing?

A little boardwalk that took us into the spruce bog, which was a beautiful little area, the second picture shows the lighting there better.

What a great place. Very pretty, and I have no idea about the footprint.
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