You can tell when I work a lot, I don't blog and there is a dry spell on here! So obviously, I worked all last week, and then this week has been doing tons of stuff with the kidlets and getting back to normal.
I applied for yet another permanent position at work (didn't get the last one) and should be sealing the deal come next week. It alleviates the stress a lot without having to worry about Mike's job, mine won't be one that's cut, so we have that reassurance knowing that. I will work mainly weekends which frees up my week to spend driving Mr K to school and spending time with them and Mike during the weeks, which are hectic for us and don't need to be made more hectic with me going to work every night.
The Princess and I are also going to spend a day with him in his class next week, we are both more than welcome as long as The Princess isn't running around wild. I haven't spend the day yet seeing that I couldn't find a sitter, not knowing that his teacher doesn't mind at all that we both spend the day. So I am really excited to go, and most likely will be there once a week now since The Princess is more than happy to sit in circles and do crafts with the other kids and listen to the teacher :)
I also almost cried today when I dropped him off. A bigger kid (grade 5) came up to him and said "Hey! K! Gimme a high 5 !" and Mr K did. Then K turned to me and said "mommy, did you know that some of the big kids are my friends?" Some of you know that he had some problems before with being scared of the big kids and not wanting to go to school with them at his other school. So to see this turnaround made me so very happy for him :) They have a lot of kids who visit his class once or twice a week and I like that these are obviously positive mixing of the different ages.
We are in the midst of trying to plan a trip to San Francisco/Los Angeles because Mike has two conferences that he has to attend. Trying to firm up the conference sponsors (this is all through his website business) is stressing me out. We can't plan until they pay up and sign and seal the deal, because we are NOT going to San Francisco on a lark in June for the heck of it. I would go when its colder here! So waiting...and waiting....and seeing these great flight and hotels specials that I just can't book yet because we aren't sure what they are doing. So cross your fingers for me that they hurry the hell up! We are new at this side business stuff...practice makes perfect I guess. But at least we know to book nothing till the money's in the bank LOL.
Umm.what else..we're just so busy sometimes, and I never quite figure out what it is that makes us so busy...besides Mike having three jobs with his fake day job (as we refer to it) and his real job=his website and then writing his book and me running my butt off during the days and then working most nights. Oh, wait, I figured it out ;) Oh well, its all our choice to be this busy, so I won't complain. Much.
I bought this today because my effing treadmill is not working properly, which really started my morning off cranky today. Trainer Bob is going to kick my ass. I know it. I feel the pain already. Can I have my treadmill back please? Sob.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
K's school sounds really cool, I am sure your DD will have lots of fun there.
You could always join me for a 10 km jaunt through the river valley for exercise ;) I refer to one set of stairs the What Was I Thinking Stairs, because I wonder that halfway up.
I have jillians workout video and it's awesome!! Business side of things is so hard ....we make our clients book our destination tickets for us!!!!! Maybe that would take some stress off ????
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