Saturday, April 11, 2009

Girls Weekend Day 1: My New Bangle

Day one of girls weekend with Kandice, we went to the Antiques show. I actually only found myself one little thing, a gorgeous handmade glass bead bracelet. I have been admiring artists on the web for a while now who create these, they are amazing works of art. So I was REALLY excited to find one for myself! I actually can't get a good picture of it, the glass doesn't want to photograph well, I am sure a local photographer I know can clue me into why ;)

I also picked up some others things for the kids for Easter, will post after they receive them! I love that the antiques show has not only antiques but is almost like a flea market with assorted quality things to find.

Today is SPA DAY and I am taking my camera!!


Unknown said...

I love lampwork beads. There is an artist on ebay who does the most amazing work, like miniature aquariums with orca whales or fairies in forests inside their beads.

~Willa said...

I'm a lampworker myself and I agree that your bracelet is lovely. You might be interested in the annual fall show of the local lampwork guild, the Aurora Borealis Fireflies.
If you don't mind I'll comment again with the sale date when it has been decided. I believe it will be on November 28th @ St. Andrews Hall but its possible the venue might change and I have to find out where St. Andrew's Hall is.

I'm enjoying following your blog... thanks for taking the time!

Jane said...

The bracelet is beautiful! All I bought at the sale was a couple of Valentine postcards!!