What I am thankful for lately (I think about it a lot, but its nice to verbalize. Ok, well not verbalize but make use of the written word)
*I am thankful for my job. I really, really like working here (hey, I have time to blog while working), the pay is amazing, and my hours are fantastic. I am so lucky that I found a shift that allows me to do everything I need to with my family. Everytime I come in on the weekend, I am so happy that I got to spend the whole week with my children, at my son's school and with my daughter. It gives me the false impression that I really can do it all ;)
*Every week I am more thankful for Mr K's school. The more I get to know the teachers and atmosphere, the more happy I am. I love that I can come in with The Princess to his class (unheard of for most public schools) and help out whenever I want, that I am forced to come out of my own comfort zones and HAVE to get to know the other moms, because there are only 9 LOL! And there are some that I really like too, and am looking forward to getting to know better. I also love that I am now "trained" to do some librarian duties there, since they are small they don't have one on staff, so I learned some of the basics to help out when needed. Fun! And I am so excited for him to go next year, next year he gets that one teacher that the whole school loves, that one teacher who just embodies fun, positivity, and zest, and if he's lucky, he gets her for the next 2 years, if there is still a split. I am so happy that for his first big year, he gets such a great teacher. My childrens schooling is such a huge part of my worries, that when its going right, I am so thankful for it, especially since I have been on the opposite end of having it eat me up with worry.
* I am thankful that Mike just has so much going on that could turn out to be great things for him. But I am ready for his damn book to be written already! And I think he's ready to have it off his plate...a few more months maybe.. but I am glad he's exploring what he loves to do.
* I am sooo happy its spring! I am sitting here planning on a wonderful day at Rundle tomorrow with the kids (while Mike writes, Boo Hiss, but damn, he's close to being done his re-write) and am so looking forward to sunshine and walking and the playground and a picnic lunch with the kids.
* I am thankful to be going out finally for my birthday dinner tomorrow night at Khazana's with some friends, followed by the movie Adventureland.
* I am glad my favorite Dr is back from his stint at the Alex, he makes me laugh, I really missed his warped sense of humor. Nothing like being hit on by a Dr who claims he has a wooden leg and a glass eye ;) Cheers you up every time!
*I am ever thankful for my little family, I can't help but want to burst with happiness watching my kids some days!
* Have you noticed I am in love with my new camera?
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Your post made me smile! So much happiness, you are blessed :)
I love your happiness posts!
And I really, really miss my old job. Really, I do. The place drove me crazy sometimes, but I still miss it, oh and the money wasn't bad either!
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