...but my plants sure do!
My delphiniums (I think lol, they could be larkspur, the leaves are similar and I planted both) are exploding faster than most of my spring plants, I am surprised at how hardy they are. I am so excited, they should bloom this year! My giant onions are growing sooo fast.
And some sorta bulb that I can't remember the name, but they are already turning blue, and should be gorgeous in a week.
Pssst...Jane.....my honeysuckle FINALLY CAME BACK this year! What is this, #3 that I have tried? I was shocked to find buds on it.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Awww I'm so glad your Honeysuckle made it!
I'm stunned that mine survived this year as it had practically no support all Winter - the porch railings were removed and it was almost horizontal to the ground at times. Once the ground had thawed the workmen straightened it back up, and it now has buds like yours and is doing well!
We don't think the climbers we put over by the workshop have fared so well.....maybe we'll replant with more Honeysuckle...it seems to be our lucky plant!
well at least something likes the snow, lol.
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