Sunday, September 09, 2007

Give Where You Live!!

Give where you live on September 29

One day each year the entire TELUS team gets together to give where we live and work. On September 29th, we’re inviting you to help make a difference in our communities by taking part in the annual TELUS Day of Service.

For every text message you send from your TELUS mobile phone, we’ll make a donation to the Canadian Centre for Child Protection.

So send a message that shows you care. In fact, send lots of them.

For more information, visit

I am a little disappointed that I am missing out on this while being part of the company, part of the reason I will be going back when its time. They put their money where their mouths are. Throughout the year as well, Telus pays its employees $5 an hour for their work at their charity(s) up to a max I think 50 hours. I was really impressed with that, so my charity gets not only my volunteer time (which was priceless) but also gets paid $5 for every hour I work. Best of both worlds.I liked this better than companies who match employees contributions, not that it isn't great as well, but volunteer hours are a charity's most precious resource, (and a dwindling one) and I liked that employees had to give time, not money.

This is the first time I have missed work LOL!