Friday, September 07, 2007

xoxoxox Mike

Not that he reads this or even blogs here anymore LOL but he might....

I wanted to thank him for all his hard work the last two weeks helping to night wean the Boob Princess, which has meant that he hasn't had a proper nights sleep in, well, two weeks! She threw some massive temper tantrums the first 3 or 4 nights, and he literally was up every hour with her. Cause I got to sleep in our room, while he slept with her in the spare room, away from the "temptation" of mom. (and only at night, she's still nursing during the day)

She has started to wake at 10:30 now, has a drink of water, and goes back to sleep usually till 6, then I go in and sleep with her until about 7 or so. This is such a vast improvement from her waking every two hours!

Ironically, it has done wonders for our marriage. (tsk, get your minds out of the gutters!) He said to me one morning, "Wow. I understand now, why you were too tired to do anything the last 4 years. " (again, get your minds out of the gutter, we DID have a second somehow! Haha, now your minds are firmly entrenched in gutterland)

But how nice it was, for him to suffer like I did. He got a really good taste of sleep deprivation for two whole weeks, and counting actually. He still gets up with her at night, not me. Then heads to work. But my dearest love is ever so grateful that he heads to the office, and doesn't have to take care of the kids all day LOL, and admits it regularly!

So Xoxoxoxxo to Mike, I appreciate you and love you more than you could ever know. You must be my soulmate to put up with my crazy ways! And you are! *smoooch*

Now, off to go wake him up, he fell into a sleep-deprivation coma and is lying in a puddle of drool (no, really, he IS) while putting Her Majesty to bed! Aww.