Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Little Big Run

Well, we've gone and been crazy. I received an email from work last night about their Little Big Run, and Mike and I are going to tackle the 5km on June 1st.

Little Big Run

All the money goes towards kids programs through the Capital region, no donations needed, our registration fee is the fund raising in itself.

Ironically, its Mike who's going to have to get into better shape, I've been doing 5km three times a week for quite a while now. Not that I don't expect pain and suffering when I go, I most certainly do ;) But I have to cheer on Mike now!

Anyone else who wants to, go join up! Nothing better than starting a Sunday morning with a good fund-raising run! (ok, I had to come back and edit, cause yes, there are better things, like champagne and strawberries in bed in Tahiti, but work with me here)