Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Seeing Things

First Jesus in a pickle, now the Loch Ness monster in Cheerio crumbs...what next?

The Princess decided to dump the remnants of the Cheerios box on the floor, said "uh oh" (at which point I came bolting into the kitchen of course), took a peek down and couldn't even really lecture as Mr K and I kinda looked at it dumbfounded....and asked "How did you manage THAT?"

The kids think its a duck....I see Nessie ;)


Cori said...

hee hee hee, love it!!

Cindy said...

that's cool!

Jane said...

I've been to Loch Ness and I've met Nessie and THAT is NOT Nessie - THAT is a DUCK!!!!! I so agree with your little ones - definitely a duck!!!!

Unknown said...

I see a duck as well!!!

Unknown said...

Actually, I retract my first vote...I see Dino the Dinosaur from the Flistones....Just no legs.....The head is too big to be a duck. ;)

kenspicer said...

Its got a hump in the middle of its back,looks like a camel with no legs.