Just another vase full of flowers from the backyard, I am not sure which ones they are, but thanks to the birds (hey, gotta give credit where credit's due, it sure wasn't my planting) I have these awesome, perfect sized little sunflowers growing. I have several different kinds, I can tell just by looking at their shapes and sizes, but these are the ones I want to grow next year, they are the perfect vase size.
I am so glad that I moved those lilies from beside the front walk, I have orange stains all over my hands and arms from cutting them, the pollen is AWFUL for stains! It did make me wonder tho if indigenous people from wherever these lilies grew naturally (I don't think they are native to Alberta) ever used it to color anything in the past, (what a weirdo I am, honestly) but I looked at my skin and thought wow, what an amazing natural dye that is. Until I walked around with weird looking hands, not so cool. Tomorrow will be the edible garden tour that Amanda and I are going on, I am really looking forward to it, not so much the 6 hours in plus 30 weather, but the gardens and yards we get to snoop in (hurray! and not look weird for staring!) and ask questions about. So of course there will be tons of pics that I will post,mainly for my reference, but you can take a peek at what we saw.
We spent the afternoon at the beach again, Mike met us there after work, and I am so tired but in a very good, spent time outdoors, summertime kinda way. I even think Mr K is sleeping, which is a miracle. I like that its getting dark earlier, I don't like that it means fall is on its way, but I do like that the kids are finally, slowly, getting back into their normal routine somewhat.
God, almost Backstreet Boys time, and the start of kindergarten. Which I try to ignore lest I burst into tears at the thought of my firstborn going. Sniffle.
Have a wonderful, hot summer weekend everyone! Get out those kiddie pools and beer!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
backstreet boys? aren't you going to new kids on the block? i'm confused. lol.
No, no one wanted to go with me to the New Kids.. not sure why.. LOL! So I went ahead and bought Backstreet Boys and then told Kandice she's coming :)
Pretty flowers!!
Just wait until your last born starts kindergarten **snuffle**
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