Sshhhh, don't tell work, but I miraculously have about 10 days off in a row! About time, I am worn out from those early morning shifts, wonderful to get off at 2:30, not so wonderful to start at 6:30 though!
I have my gardening tour this weekend with Amanda, should be very interesting, I am hoping for great weather of course. Then a whole lot of relaxing I am hoping.
The first bouquet I have cut, a gladiola, a lupine, and some larkspurs. Not sure what happened with my glads, I bought a 20 pack of ALL PURPLE. That is the least purple-looking glad I have ever encountered....there are a lot more about to bloom, so we shall see what I get.
Self portrait of us at the beach.
My lilies and sunflower.. And a visitor on our front lawn. I am not sure why they haven't eaten my garden yet....everything is still where is should be..maybe they are smart and just waiting for it to grow larger!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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