Happy V-Day! I'm posting late because I worked last night so no time to post. So we didn't do much for V Day.
However at WORK, there are big bonuses to working holidays. Meat and cheese trays and buns, veggie trays galore, Telus chocolate bars, a little bag of chocolates, a cookie decorating station...yum!
All the phone calls were for the Keg, Earl's and Moxie's I swear. Oh, and florists. You just know that the guy looking for a florist at 9'oclock at night is either in the doghouse already, but most assuredly is going to be in it very, very soon!
"oh god....ma'am...can I have a florist....any florist.... *whimpers* pleasegodlettherebeafloristopen..."
My better half..well, lets just say that Season 6 of Buffy and chocolates GA-lore are the way to my heart! I can't wait till tonight!(to watch Buffy of course!) xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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