This wasn't actually supposed to be rant blog, contrary to Mike's belief LOL. I think he jinxed me because cripes, is there a lot to rant about.
Starting with last night at about 11...K wakes up crying, poor buddy. He won't settle, but no problem, Mike picks him up to carry him into our room to sleep with Daddy for the night. Well, right as soon as Mike gets to the bed, Mr K throws up DOWN MIKE'S BACK! HA! I actually laugh in retrospect, and dammit, I didn't get to see this event. You can picture it, he's carrying him ,K's resting his head on dad's shoulder and....blaaaarghhhh....(mike probably doesn't find this at all amusing)
So fine, Mike cleans up everything, settle's him into bed and showers. Then K throws up again, all over the new clean bedding and towels. Sigh.
SoSo The Princess is up too by this point and the whole family is partying into the night. Faaaar into the night. Two o'clock before the Princess party winds down, and I have to be up by 5 for work. Weehaw. Go to work, get furlow at 10:15 and come home. The Princess won't nap so I am shit out of luck for sleep.
No date night tonight for the 8th anniversary of our first date (we don't celebrate Valentines, we celebrate the 11th when our first date was). We were going to go out for East Indian food. BY OURSELVES!!!! Sigh.
But there's nothing like watching your significant other taking gentle care of your son, cleaning up puke from the carpet, doing midnight laundry and telling you to go get some sleep and that's he's got it all under control, to remember why you are still with them, 8 years after that first date....cause you can get flowers from any guy, and romantic dinners are a dime a dozen, but his ability to handle Pukefest '07 is why I keep him :)
Happy Anniversary honey, I love you!
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
Karlynn, I love this post. So sweet. I had no idea that was why you were going out tonight! Hopefully you'll be able to reschedule!
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