So every year, around car registration time, Mike starts holding his breath. Every year, like clockwork, we go to register the car and there's some sort of fine to pay as well. EVERY YEAR. And let me just say for the record, none of them are mine. Not that I am the best driver ever, but literally none of the tickets have ever belonged to me. So Mike just loathes this time of year with its inevitable lecture about speeding.
So this year we get our registrations and there's no fine! Miracle of miracles! How will we spend this extra windfall?
Then we tried to pay online with AMA and it wouldn't let us....strange. Well, maybe its because we were a couple days late.
Then we opened the mail yesterday, one from Alberta Justice. And as soon as we looked at it, we started holding our breaths. Who's to blame this year? And as sure as I am about my driving, I still was chanting inside my head, let it be mike's, let it be mike's...(it doesn't even matter WHAT the ticket is for, its WHO got it!).
A parking ticket! Of all the lame things to get, a parking ticket. I look at the plate # and weehoo!! its Mike's car. So of course, I start my dance of joy until Mike looks at the date and says, "Hey now, its in Janurary and YOU are the one parking downtown with MY car!!!"
Oh. I started sputtering out how it just couldn't be mine, that I always pay my meter or parking lot fee. And Mike just grins and says something to the effect of how great he is and how its about time. Then he pops out to Sobey's.
Ok, I scoured that letter. I took a magnifying glass to it, I compared dates to my shifts (this is a serious competetion between us, let me tell you. Serious stuff here.) And I couldn't figure out how I got a ticket on a day I didn't work! Then I looked at the dates and realized that the conviction date was in January but the offense date was October 26th last year.
I didn't start work until January this year, so in fact, the ticket was Mike's.
Poor Mike was crushed, he really thought he had it this year. hee hee hee.
The New PostSecret Book
10 years ago
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