Thursday, August 20, 2009
Monday, August 03, 2009
I am Suffering Blogging Withdrawl
Ok. Seriously. I am going through blogging withdrawl.
I hated the new site, ignore the new Beak I linked to. Its not what I wanted. I nuked my old post.
The Supermom has taken on a life of its own, with books reviews and now has NOTHING to do with my personal blogging, which is ok, its cool, I am happy that I am getting sent books to review by real authors, its fun and I would love for it to get bigger and bigger in that direction. I plan on taking the books into my work and donating them to the children's units, so I really hope it gets larger that way, the more the better!
Mike is working on a new blog for me. Its crazy. Its a huge project. Mega huge. Three blogs in one at the moment. But I have always found blogging to be my "crafting", and he is making me a super duper complex blog that will be my art, my crafting, my creative outlet that I have always wanted, and I am very excited.
But it might be ready in September lol. It WILL be up by September.
I miss MY blogging desperately. I have so much to catch up on, so much to post about my gardening and everything. But I have to wait.
*sighs loudly*
So I still don't have *my* creative outlet running yet. The supermom was going to be, then totally just ran away from me! And then I realized that yes, it is everything that interests me, but its not about me.
So selfish, I know.
So I am still here.....just not blogging as much. Ok not at all. I am still reading all of yours as well, so keep on posting chickies.
This summer has been so busy, I have worked 5/6 days a week, then went to calgary, then worked another full week, then am going to calgary again. And then, I am going to attack my house which has been so sorely neglected. I just can't keep up with it, I am not home.
We have been everywhere, from the beach, to the lake,to the calgary zoo, to the science center, visiting their grandparents and cousins and aunties, the kids have had a fantastic summer, but that means that everything in my house has gone to hell in a handbasket, but when I realized that the kids have done more this summer than I even dreamed I would have, I am ok with the mess. Sorta.
So once the new blog is running, and this one is going to be the final one, I have spent forever designing and planning and concocting it to be exactly what I want, I will go back and blog blog blog about my summer. The new one also will have all my old posts off of here, so it will probably just re-direct to the new one.
I hope everyone is having a fantastic summer!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:04 PM 2 comments
Saturday, May 16, 2009
....does and doesn't want to be on my blogroll on the new site? Blackbird is anonymous and Twinkle pix is a business, so I moved them, but the rest of you may just want me to move your links to my kids blog (I have to have them listed somewhere cause I remember nothing and I read them at work)
anyhoo let me know where you wanna go!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Shuttin' It Down....
Well, I am going to leave this blog up, for my reference, but I am not going to be posting anymore. But before you ask if I have lost my mind, its because my wonderful husband has created an absolutely beautiful site for me to blog on, not only personal but now I can blog in categories that I like to share things about (crafts, books, food, etc).
Sooooo everyone can now read my blog at (and seriously I can't believe that that name wasn't taken by a website already, its SO much fun!!!) and feel free to comment as per usual on my posts. I am absolutely in love with what he made me and have another site I want him to make soon too.
There are lots of things that I will be moving over from here, and maybe nuking this one completely if I can get all my old posts over to the new one, there are still things to add on the new site as well. I just don't have time to keep up with two and the kids blog now as well.
See you all over there!!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 3:58 PM 4 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I had to harass stupid Chapters why my gawddamn Polo books weren't shipped on the 12th, and I get a bullshit email that their vendor didn't have the supply ready, and they will have the books in 2-4 business days. Which would make it a WEEK past the pre-order date for shipping it out to me. So I replied telling them they had better ship it priority at THEIR expense, because the bloody point of a pre-order is that I get my EFFING books when they are released!
F! #@$%&^%$#@
I need some chocolate.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:39 AM 1 comments
This has to be the coldest, latest spring EVER. Its snowing today, freezing, the furnace is turned on dammit, and my gardening course is postponed until Monday the 25th. The day before I LEAVE on my trip. Mother EFF I am frustrated. I am not sure how I am going to get my garden in on, oh, the Tuesday morning, we are leaving Tuesday right after school to go to Calgary.
Look at this crappy weather coming next week, I can't even get my plants out because the nights are possibly going into the minus temps again with more snow.
- 9°C
- 13°C
- 1°C
- 18°C
- 2°C
- 16°C
- 5°C
- 40%
- 5°C
- -2°C
- 60%
- 8°C
- 3°C
- 60%
- 13°C
- 2°C
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:23 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
My Mini-Me...
..reading until there is no more sun in the room to read by tonight.. I used to do this as a kid allll the time. I just don't think it was quite this early on, and definitely was not falling asleep on my books.
Aw my sweet little boy :) He reads every night until he falls asleep, such an incredibly voracious little reader. He's a grump in the mornings tho, not quite sure what we are going to do about that. I am thinking its time for some dim-out/blackout material in the windows!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:41 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cross Your Fingers.....
...that the two new Polo books I pre-ordered ship tomorrow, and are here in time for our trip! That gives me a good hour of entertainment in the car for the kids. I also ordered a couple new Robert Munsch books too.....waiting anxiously for them to arrive!
I was also glad to see there are two more coming out in the fall, Polo and the Dragon, and Polo and the Magician! Can't wait!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:57 PM 1 comments
A couple goodies from Mother's Day...
..homemade window cling, which is something we are going to do this summer as a craft (have to start storing up my ideas for two months of crafts at home). Mr K did such a great job, and it looks so lovely on my window...and a book from Mike and the Princess, and a bookmark that Mr K made for me as well. I got a folder full of coupons, crafts, notes, and a poem, all very lovely.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: crafts
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's day to all the moms out there!
Let's see...Charlynn likes my thankful posts, so I will do another one today for all us moms...
I am thankful this day that my children are healthy. Working at the childrens' hospital often reminds you that not everyone is so lucky.
On that note, I am grateful to be humbled by my job sometimes with the reminder that my complaints are so incredibly minor.
I am grateful to be given the chance to raise these two amazing kids with two distinctly amusing and wonderous personalities.
I am grateful for my friends, my family and the intricate web of personalities I know...I know some truly great people...and not so I am glad that I have been challenged to think outside the box, that the selfish have shown me how not to act, that the patient people have helped me learn my own, and to be blunt, that some people have just shown me how I do not want to parent, and on the other side of the coin, how I don't want to treat my friends. That in itself is a valuable lesson, negative as it may seem.
I am thankful that spring is here.
I tear up with joy looking at the crafts made by beautiful little chubby fingers, working so hard to make their mommy something special for Mother's Day. I only get a limited amount of those, there's an age expiry limit...I will treasure them while I can.
I am thankful and very excited to take my garden course with one of those aforementioned good :) friends this Thursday evening!
I am happy that Mike surprised me at work for my supper break with two kids and a box of my favorite sugar free Fudgsicles. Gawd dang, sometimes he gets it right!
And all days, I am just glad I have a heartbeat ;)
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Want To Read..
...this book when the revised edition comes out. There are a few books on the topic, but this would be the most recent revised edition that one could find. Its a subject that fascinates me, especially after two children and my own negative experiences with the staff in the hospital and clinics we've been to.
Every day more than 3,000 babies die from infections due to a lack of breastfeeding and the use of bottles, artificial milks and other risky products. In her powerful and provocative book Gabrielle Palmer describes the pressures on women, health workers and governments who are enmeshed in collusion with the sellers of infant feeding products. These companies invest in marketing strategies and clever promotion which help maintain practices that contribute to the suffering, illness and death of children in both poor and rich nations. Gabrielle Palmer vividly describes the far-reaching consequences for health and well-being that the actions of large corporations have on global politics and the environment. With an engaging blend of facts, insight and anecdotes, she puts infant feeding fashions into their historic and economic contexts. An essential and inspirational eye-opener, "The Politics of Breastfeeding" challenges our complacency about how we feed our children and radically reappraises a subject which concerns not only mothers, but everyone: man or woman, parent or childless, old or young. This is the 3rd fully revised and updated edition.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Labels: breastfeeding, reading
Monday, May 04, 2009
Goofy Goose
What happens when you live near a natural lake area....we sat on the front step last night watching two that were on separate rooftops and were "talking" to each other (translate - total cacophony of honking loud noises, so funny) and now this guy on my back neighbors roof tonight, who's rather quiet. Until another lands on a nearby rooftop I am sure!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:01 PM 1 comments
And So It Starts...
The annual craze has started, this past week I have cleaned out the flowerbeds, added new soil and manure, raked the grass, and then yesterday planted my lily and glad bulbs, AND finally pulled out that damn tree in the front. Its been half dead (ash mites) for about 2 years now, we tried to save it, but it was so far gone that Mike was able to get it out by just bending it back and forth for a few minutes, everything was so weakened it just came right out.
However, digging out the damn wire basket that held the roots was a freaking chore and a half, not to mention then back-filling the hole when done! I am not sure what's going there, I am thinking a sweet cherry bush perhaps...there are some sweet cherries that we can grow here now, which excites me to no end, but I have to find someone who carries the one I want...
I also pulled out my dogwoods cause I am sick of them and they aren't flourishing either. The rabbit is completely enjoying chewing the twigs, I will have nothing but the root system to throw out in a week or two after she's done having her fun.
There's only 2 weeks till May long! I have to get so much done before we go on our trip too, we're going right in the peak gardening time for me.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 8:54 AM 2 comments
Labels: gardening
Friday, May 01, 2009
Black Eyed Susan Vine
My first bloom on one of my multitudes of vines I started, I can't wait, I love these vines :) I moved them into my hanging baskets yesterday as they were getting a little long, and they can sit inside for a few more weeks.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:32 AM 1 comments
Labels: gardening
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Alberta Campground Bookings Go Online
This was VERY interesting for me, I doubt we are going camping this year since our trip is taking up lots of fundage, but we are hoping in the next couple years to get another tent trailer and get out there with the kids. I live online, so this is just awesome. I hate phones. LOL. Booking online = perfect.
These two facts on the site I can't wait to check out, the 360 view of the campsites? That's AWESOME!
- Provide “real time” information on campsite availability; and
- Include leading-edge geospatial technology that allows panoramic 360-degree views of campgrounds and campsites
From the Edmonton Journal:

For Cindy Ady, finding a campground with showers, flush toilets and power is a must when it comes to vacationing in the great outdoors.
While unveiling the new online camping reservation system on Wednesday, the minister of Tourism, Parks and Recreation joked about her need for the extras while camping.
"I am a recreation camper, not a hardcore camper," she said.
The reservation service will be available to the public May 1 at Campers may reserve campsites at 25 provincial campgrounds chosen for a pilot project.
The new reservation system will allow people to choose campsites based on individual preferences, such as size, proximity to washrooms, even firepit location. Campers can get a 360-degree panoramic view of campsites and campgrounds on the website.
"This new service that we're announcing today will make it easier for campers to use our provincial campgrounds," Ady said.
The move to create an online registration service came in response to a 2007 survey of campers, many of whom were frustrated with the existing booking system.
"Eighty per cent of (campers) were selecting their campsite online, but they couldn't book the site," Ady said. "It felt like an incomplete service to them."
The first phase of the online service will cost the province $8.4 million, and the estimated cost for the first year of operation is $1.8 million.
In addition to camping fees, users of the online registration will have to pay a $10 reservation fee. The added cost does not sit well with Harry Chase, Calgary MLA and Liberal critic for parks and protected areas. Chase said he is concerned the extra fee will make camping more exclusive and too costly for some families.
"This may force families into random camping on Crown land in the backwoods, and that's where the yahoos are," he said. "The potential for conflict between a family trying to have recreation and a bunch of good old boys boozing it up is a concern."
Camper Lavona Bailer is frustrated with the $10 fee as well. She said she doesn't understand why the government is adding an extra fee when so many other places offer discounts for booking online.
Bailer has started an online petition to protest the fees, which she thinks will hurt tourism more than help it. She said, given the choice, she would choose the campground that does not charge extra for booking online.
"Half the time, the weather on weekends is crappy, so you end up cancelling and then you are out $10," she said. "Where is the money going? It just seems like a bit of a cash grab to me."
The $10 fee is not new to campsite reservations, says Camille Weleschuk, spokesperson for Alberta Tourism, Parks and Recreation. She said people phoning campgrounds to make reservations were charged the same fee.
Campgrounds in the pilot project were chosen based on popularity and proximity to major cities and highways. Ady said the province hopes to add 100 more campgrounds to the online service next year.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 5:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You May Not Like The Snow...
...but my plants sure do!
My delphiniums (I think lol, they could be larkspur, the leaves are similar and I planted both) are exploding faster than most of my spring plants, I am surprised at how hardy they are. I am so excited, they should bloom this year! My giant onions are growing sooo fast.
And some sorta bulb that I can't remember the name, but they are already turning blue, and should be gorgeous in a week. honeysuckle FINALLY CAME BACK this year! What is this, #3 that I have tried? I was shocked to find buds on it.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 5:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: gardening
Animals move today to new Edmonton shelter
Very cool, I knew they were getting a new facility, but didn't know they had revenue generating ideas and classrooms for summer camps etc! I LOVE the idea of classes to educate children on responsible pet ownership, I think that it makes a bigger impression rather than parents, (tho lord know we try) kids going to a class especially for it, and perhaps with some hands on learning as well.
From the Edmonton Journal:
More than 200 shelter animals will be transported from the society's cramped, crumbling 60-year-old facility on Yellowhead Trail on Tuesday morning into the new $22-million Chappelle Centre for Animal Care.
Suffused with natural light, the new 56,000-square-foot facility is the vision of executive director Stephanie McDonald, who developed her ideas through touring more than 70 animal shelters across North America.
Designed to promote animal care and reduce stress — a trigger for disease — the facility also includes a number of revenue-generating elements, among them a day care for dogs, a coin-operated dog bath and an off-leash park that's fenced and gated.
It also has community classroom space, which will be used for workshops and seminars, and for a summer camp where children can learn about responsible pet ownership.
The society plans to develop programs, too, focussed on socialization and behavioural issues, two of the biggest reasons owners surrender their pets.
"We're going to shape young minds here and they're going to change the face of animal care in our community," McDonald said in an interview earlier this year.
"This will be a place you'll want to come to, not just because you want to adopt an animal but because you want to educate your kids, or because you want to volunteer."
The new centre, which is located at 13620 163rd Street, is scheduled to open during the first week of May.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:33 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
You might be an Emergency Physician if...
(stolen from the U of A emerg medicine website, I guess they have to have a sense of humour to survive!)
-You have the bladder capacity of 5 people
-Discussing dismemberment over a gourmet meal seems perfectly normal to you
-You find humour in other people's stupidity
-You believe 90% of what you are told and 75% of what you see
-You have your weekends off planned a year in advance
-You plan what you are going to have for dinner before doing a gastric lavage
-You believe that unspeakable evils will befall you if the phrase "wow it's really quiet" is uttered
-You take it as a compliment when someone calls you a dirty name
-You are prone to complimenting complete strangers on their great veins when you are out in public
-You have ever answered a "lost condom" phone call
-You have ever wanted to hold a seminar entitled "Suicide…Doing it right."
-You believe that "too stupid to live" should be a nursing diagnosis
-You have ever had to leave a patient's room before you begin to laugh uncontrollably
-You have ever restrained someone and it was not a sexual experience
-You have ever wanted to answer "yes" when someone calls and asks "is my husband, wife, mother, boyfriend, etc. there?"
-Your most common assessment question is "what changed tonight to make it an emergency after six [hours, days, weeks, months, years…..]"
-You believe the waiting room should be equiped with a Valium fountain
-You have been exposed to so many X-rays that you consider radiation a form of birth control
-You have ever had a patient look you straight in the eye and say "I have no idea how that got stuck there..."
-You believe that waiting room time should be proportional to the lingth of time from symptom onset. "You've had the pain for 3 weeks…well have a seat in the waiting room and we'll get back to you in 3 days."
-You know the number for the local Detox by heart.
-When checking the orientation of a patient, you aren't sure of the correct answer.
-You always try to schedule days off around the phases of the moon.
-Your alcoholically challenged patients know you by your first name, and can point to "their room."
-The hem of your uniform is held up with either 3-0 chromic or steristrips.
-You believe things would go much quicker if everyone would just get a head CT, AB's, Narcan and a loading dose of dilantin at the E.D. entrance.
-You associate possible house paint colours with body secretinos or functions such as: Bile green, venous blue, arterial red, puffer pink, mottled blue, etc.
-You believe the sight of a full moon can ruin a perfectly good day.
-You find yourself avoiding an unhealthy COPD patient in the grocery store in fear that he'll drop near you and you'll have to do CPR on your day off.
-Your family members have to have a fever of at least 40 or be missing a limb with active bleeding to receive your sympathy.
-You've held a 14 gauge needle over someone's vein and said "now there's going to be a little poke…."
-You are the only one at the dinner table not allowed to talk about your day at work…
-You've ever sworn that you were going to have "NO CODE" tattooed on your chest (or you already have it tattooed!)
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:12 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Prop 8 - The Musical
Have a good laugh, I love Jack Black!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:54 PM 3 comments
Another Princess Gem
In the van today..
The Princess : "Mommy, we don't say shut up, cause then we get a time out"
Me : "Yes, you're right."
The Princess : "When I am grumpy with K, I don't tell him to shut up. I just hit him".
I almost drove off the road laughing. Gawd, that girl of mine, she's such a people person LOL.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 1:38 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Loblaws urges shoppers to stop using plastic bags
Part of the reason I love Superstore is the wonder of their totes (I have three that have been smashed, crashed, played "train" in by two rambunctious children and loaded tons of groceries for a couple years now and are STILL in one piece), the fact that their carts are designed for the totes precisely, and the push for their bags.
This article today talks about it a little more, but it neglects to mention that at least one store is COMPLETELY bagless. The store in Airdrie where my parents live is completely plastic bagless, you cannot purchase plastic at all. You are forced to use cloth or bins. LOVE. IT.
I honestly think instead of the charging more for the plastic, that they should get rid of them in Edmonton like they did in Airdire. The cloth bags are 74 cents each. That's IT. Who can't afford an investment of $5.18 for 7 !! cloths bags??
Oh, and how fantastic is the $3 million to the World Wildlife Fund over the next 3 years?
I would love to see this happen. Just give a weeks warning, then poof, sorry, we do not sell plastic bags anymore.
I also wonder, has anyone else heard of bagless Superstores like in Airdrie?
Posted by The MIKK Family at 10:17 AM 7 comments
Sunday, April 19, 2009
But On a Happy Note..
...dinner at Khazana's was absolutely FANTASTIC, the rice was the best I have ever had there (I had another helping instead of dessert, what does that tell you lol) and the movie Adventureland was entertaining.
And it was lovely catching up with everyone, and getting away from my children (as wonderful as they are).
I feel refreshed and ready to tackle my week!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:48 PM 0 comments
Get A Brain Already
I had JUST commented last night to the girl I was working with, that "quad" season had started. I was looking in the emergency room program while searching for patients, and noticed that there were 2 adults coming in, one for a quad accident and one for a dirtbike.
Then I read that a 10 year old was killed today on, surprise surprise, a quad.
Parents, grab a freaking brain. Don't let your children operate a machine that is 10 times heavier than they are without supervision. Do you realize what it does to their little bodies when it flips?
PUT A HELMET ON YOUR CHILD. But you know what? When that 600 lb machine crushes their little chest, its not going to really help a whole effing lot.
Did I rant about this already last year? I am sure I have.What is really scary is that every night during the summer, I see that there is someone in emerg for a quad injury. I work in one hospital. ONE.
Quads are not toys to give your 10 year old to go for a spin with. They are incredibly powerful machines that adults have a hard time controlling properly. W....T....F people.
Rant over. Sigh. I hate that summer brings out the stupids. And they all end up at my work.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 9:34 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 18, 2009
What I am thankful for lately (I think about it a lot, but its nice to verbalize. Ok, well not verbalize but make use of the written word)
*I am thankful for my job. I really, really like working here (hey, I have time to blog while working), the pay is amazing, and my hours are fantastic. I am so lucky that I found a shift that allows me to do everything I need to with my family. Everytime I come in on the weekend, I am so happy that I got to spend the whole week with my children, at my son's school and with my daughter. It gives me the false impression that I really can do it all ;)
*Every week I am more thankful for Mr K's school. The more I get to know the teachers and atmosphere, the more happy I am. I love that I can come in with The Princess to his class (unheard of for most public schools) and help out whenever I want, that I am forced to come out of my own comfort zones and HAVE to get to know the other moms, because there are only 9 LOL! And there are some that I really like too, and am looking forward to getting to know better. I also love that I am now "trained" to do some librarian duties there, since they are small they don't have one on staff, so I learned some of the basics to help out when needed. Fun! And I am so excited for him to go next year, next year he gets that one teacher that the whole school loves, that one teacher who just embodies fun, positivity, and zest, and if he's lucky, he gets her for the next 2 years, if there is still a split. I am so happy that for his first big year, he gets such a great teacher. My childrens schooling is such a huge part of my worries, that when its going right, I am so thankful for it, especially since I have been on the opposite end of having it eat me up with worry.
* I am thankful that Mike just has so much going on that could turn out to be great things for him. But I am ready for his damn book to be written already! And I think he's ready to have it off his plate...a few more months maybe.. but I am glad he's exploring what he loves to do.
* I am sooo happy its spring! I am sitting here planning on a wonderful day at Rundle tomorrow with the kids (while Mike writes, Boo Hiss, but damn, he's close to being done his re-write) and am so looking forward to sunshine and walking and the playground and a picnic lunch with the kids.
* I am thankful to be going out finally for my birthday dinner tomorrow night at Khazana's with some friends, followed by the movie Adventureland.
* I am glad my favorite Dr is back from his stint at the Alex, he makes me laugh, I really missed his warped sense of humor. Nothing like being hit on by a Dr who claims he has a wooden leg and a glass eye ;) Cheers you up every time!
*I am ever thankful for my little family, I can't help but want to burst with happiness watching my kids some days!
* Have you noticed I am in love with my new camera?
Posted by The MIKK Family at 7:31 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Rundle Park
Some pics from the walk the Princess and I too today down in Rundle, Mr K has short days on Thursdays, and now with the nice weather she and I will just go take a walk for an hour instead of getting groceries like we usually do. Its too short a time to go home, and his school is 5 minutes away. A lovely elderly couple, they were so sweet and caring to each other while walking.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
My Composter/Lawnmower
Yah, Scooby gets all her scooby snacks, right out of the kitchen lol. There is very little (asparagus) that she doesn't enjoy eating, I was talking today about how I am not going to bother composting with worms this summer, my dog, er, rabbit eats everything that is scraps that could possibly be composted. (you can't compost meat/dairy, so my little vegetarian takes care of the rest)
And now she mows my lawn too. Talk about green and efficient. Oh, and she also fertilizes it as she goes ;) Aaand where the bunny is, my daughter is.
My allium are coming up! My big giant purple flowering onions, I am very excited about these!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: gardening
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Before There Was Twilight......
..there was Night World. Written in 1997 I do believe, (I am so not going upstairs to make sure thats correct) they have been re-issued obviously to tie in with all the Twilight craze. They were on at Walmart for about $9 each, each containing 3 stories, and there are 3 different books available. Unfortunately for me, I only grabbed the 2 I could see, which means a trip back to get the third.
I am very curious to see if they are as blasted needy, weak femaled and obsessive as the Twilight ones, or perhaps something I would let the Princess read later on. Of course, they are allll about teenage love, but I am hoping for maybe a little less simpering in them...
They seem to be a childhood favorite of many, so reading them at 33 for the fist time may not be the same. Oh hell, who am I kidding. I could pick up a Sweet Valley High and enjoy it.
Posted by The MIKK Family at 5:10 PM 2 comments
Labels: reading
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Girls Weekend Day 2 : Spa
Saturday Kandice and I spent the day at Pink Lime, and went for the works! But to start out my day even better, Mike brought me home some lovely tulips :)
Then off to the spa!
First was a mud body exfoliating scrub, followed by being wrapped up like a mummy to let it all soak in. Then while wrapped up like said mummy, it was facial time, which was lovely. Then after the facial was done, it was time to shower off the mud wrap. Then after being all clean and de-mudded, it was massage time for an hour. During that time as well it was mud mask time for the face, which was so weird lol. It hardened into a rubber mask, you couldn't open your eyes or lips! You definitely CANNOT be the slightest bit claustrophobic to have most of the treatments, the facial has warm towels put on your face, the wrap is confining (but oh so warm and awesome) and the mask, well, like I said, no face movement except your nostrils!
Just some of the ambiance...aah...smelly candles..
Then after the body treatment, it was time for a pedicure, which also was fantastic. They did a paraffin wax on them too,ooooh so warm and squishy for my dry feet!
Then after that, cut,highlights and style. I am always happy with the highlights they do. I went a little blonder since summer is coming. And Kandice's awesome cut,color and highlights.
Then we came home to a lovely dinner and chilled wine that Mike had pretty much ready for us. A very awesome day to celebrate our birthdays! I think its going to be a yearly event ;)
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:38 AM 1 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Girls Weekend Day 1: My New Bangle
Day one of girls weekend with Kandice, we went to the Antiques show. I actually only found myself one little thing, a gorgeous handmade glass bead bracelet. I have been admiring artists on the web for a while now who create these, they are amazing works of art. So I was REALLY excited to find one for myself! I actually can't get a good picture of it, the glass doesn't want to photograph well, I am sure a local photographer I know can clue me into why ;)
I also picked up some others things for the kids for Easter, will post after they receive them! I love that the antiques show has not only antiques but is almost like a flea market with assorted quality things to find.
Today is SPA DAY and I am taking my camera!!
Posted by The MIKK Family at 6:38 AM 3 comments