Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ten Things You Can Do Right Now to Love Your Body

From Courtney E. Martin, the author of Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body

1. Make the radical choice to commit to healing your relationship with your body.
2. Never diet. Never ever. It is a $31 billion industry that fails 95% of the time. That's just stupid.
3. Reconnect with your authentic hungers. When are you hungry? When are you full? What are you hungry for?
4. Move in ways (African dance, yoga, running, sex...) that make you feel happy instead of adhering to strict fitness regimens.
5. Add a compassionate voice to the chorus in your head.
6. Don't spend money on products made by companies that make you feel inadequate. Duh.
7. Stop hanging out with toxic people that make you feel bad about yourself.
8. Change conversations about weight to conversations about wellbeing.
9. Nominate someone for the REAL Hot 100.
10. Redefine your notion of success to include your own wellness--including joy, fulfillment, resilience, and self-love.

Shameless plug alert. For more ideas of how to heal, check out my book: Perfect Girls, Starving Daughters: The Frightening New Normalcy of Hating Your Body.

Add a compassionate voice to the chorus in your head

I consider this one of the most inspirational adages I have ever heard. Can you imagine how much better things would be if we tempered our thoughts towards others with compassion? Words to live by if I have ever read them.

Redefine your notion of success to include your own wellness--including joy, fulfillment, resilience, and self-love.

I like that one a lot....and I think I will be picking up this book as soon as I can, I have heard of it before, but forgot until she posted a couple days ago on a feminist blogging site I like to read. One of the best lists of 10 I have read in a while!

I want to make this a "sticky" on my blog, I am going to come up with a smaller version and keep this posted on the side permanently somewhere..