Thursday, January 17, 2008

Birthday Invite From Preschool

I am sure that SOMEONE else must have gone through this. Mr K came home with an invitation to a fellow classmates birthday party on Tuesday after preschool. Which would usually be a cause for excitement for me, that he's making new friends and generally things are going well there.

But, I have no clue who this kid is. I have been in the classroom, not last month, but I have NO idea who this child is. Never even heard of him, never met him while volunteering, zip. I scanned today the nametags out for the kids, and I didn't see this child's name.

Not only that, but its a McDonalds party. And yes, I know I can't shield him from these forever, but they are on my bottom three most loathed places for parties, only trumped by Paintball for adult parties and anyplace that involves a shower of some type and the accompanying games.

So of course, Mr K is soooo excited. I have no idea who this kid is, why K is invited, and I am that kind of person that just feels guilty at saying no.

The sap part of me thinks maybe the little boy doesn't have any friends yet and invited the kids from his preschool class (and there go my bloody heartstrings being tugged) because he doesn't know anyone else. Then I get all teary-eyed and sad for this little boy who has no friends. Drama queen me.

The other part of me can be so anti-social when she wants to be and doesn't want to meet new people. This means I have to go and TALK to another parent, meet them, and see who this boy is. I have my few parents that I know. A's mom is my favorite, shy, quiet nice woman who I got to know by trading parenting days. She's like me, just kinda goes, smiles at everyone, and picks up her kid. They actually probably all think I am a snob. At least *I* am not the one who drives the Lexis SUV, I mean, is it REALLY necessary? (like my blatant classism there? ) Oh F, you just watch, they will be the Lexus ones.

I guess I will try and find out more about this kid....but I just find it weird. The kids I would invite from preschool over here, I have talked to their parents, known them for a few months, and know that K gets along with them well. Not an invite out of the blue.....


miss b said...

some people invite everyone in the child's class so as not to leave anyone out, there could be other reasons why K was invited, like you said maybe the kid is trying to make friends, or maybe they have a connection at school that you just haven't noticed. Have you asked K who the child in question is?