Friday, April 03, 2009


Ah my hilarious kids. Last night Mike and I played Playmobil with them before bed, and Mike started singing YMCA while making the cowboy and construction worker dance. And this is point in case how your children really tune into things you say and do, Mr K went this morning and got the bin out, and set up a stage, with an audience, and then asked me to play YMCA. We are minus the Indian Chief, but Playmobil sure makes one of course.

And a couple gems from The Princess:

"mommy I love your feet, can I smell them?"

And while riding in the van with big brother, after trying to hit him and getting in trouble:

*wistful sigh*.."I like to hit people." (well at least she's honest)


Cori said...

Bwahaha, this whole post is hilarious :) Thanks for the chuckle!!

Rebecca McKay said...

Too funny. Totally took me back to this post...
Playmobil sure doesn't make politically correct figures. I think out of like 15 sets of playmobil, we have one 'tanned' looking person. And their customer service is awful, on a side note.