Thursday, May 03, 2007

Salary cont'd

I found that article again just now, on a feminist site I enjoy (or used to) reading. I went and took a look at the conversations going on concerning it, and was actually pretty disgusted.

Why, are women the hardest on each other, more than anyone else? And it really bothers me, that on a feminist website, they are WORSE!! Much worse. Aren't you all supposed to be supporting every women's choice, no matter what, because its all about our choice?

There were women saying that moms aren't CEO's and don't run a group of 10 people, that mom's aren't shrinks and shouldn't even pretend that they can do that job, and oh god, one of them called it "Feminine Work" and I hope to God she was being sarcastic.

One woman said that because she did her own laundry, that it shouldn't be included. Ok, you come to my house and do my 2 loads a day compared to your 2 loads a week, and let's compare the time and effort on that. Better yet, if we are going to be assholes about it, lets compare her sending it to the drycleaners on her single power woman salary, compared to my laundry days.

Judge judge judge. I would like to know how many of them have done it. What also amazed me, is that women who have a job were given a value for their work beyond their physical workplace. Was THAT bashed? Nope.

Why do they feel they need to tear apart what mom's at home do, piece by piece, and say how unworthy each dollar amount is because mom's don't REALLY do that job. The ONLY one that seemed to have any value was "childcare giver" and "housekeeper"

From "FEMINISTS" . Fuck you very kindly, but those "feminists" are posers and full of self-righteous shit.


Cori said...

I think it's good to read debates such as these, gets the blood rolling and gives me things to think about while I'm folding laundry.

I wish I could use a drycleaner...

The MIKK Family said...

HAhaha Cori! Yes, that surge of anger gave me enough energy to complete my CEO duties running this household, plus my accounting duties doing our taxes, balancing the accounts and paying bills.