Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Jesus in a Pickle

I was going to call the news and have them over, but thought, naw, I don't need all the fame and fortune that goes with finding the face of Jesus in a pickle...I will just blog it to let everyone know!

And then sell it on Ebay :)

I kid you not tho, this was about two weeks ago and I forgot till I went thru my pics tonight. Mr K wanted a pickle sandwich (his favorite I don't know why) and he yelled at me from the table "Mom! My pickle has a happy face!"

And he did, and he does and its quite weird and freakish, but damn, I got a blog post out of it too! If I was more awake, I am sure I could have ran with this more, but I will leave it at this.


Cori said...

That's pretty cool!! Hayden wants to know if he ate the rest of the pickle or kept it. :D

Jane said...

that Jesus guy had quite a cute face didn't he?

Jane said...

We had a cross show up in our yard one year.....a crucifix right there in the lawn...I posted it on LP I think.....I was going to charge admission.....I wonder if Global wouldv'e flown their helicopter over if I'd had it now....

"Atheist has Crucifix imprinted in lawn...is this a sign from above"??????

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I am just amazed that he noticed. It looks like a cute little character. Maybe it would make a good kids book:)
oh I am visiting from Jane's blog!